Converting a Pet Owner Account to an Employee Account

Converting a Pet Owner Account to an Employee Account

How to Convert a Pet Owner account to an Employee Account

You must be enrolled in an Employee Feeder program in order to see the Employee account options. 

Converting via Checkout:

1. Go to Checkout. 

2. Lookup their account and select. Or create a new customer. 

You will need to create a customer first (if they are not already in your account) and then convert them to an Employee. 

3. Click on their name to Edit the information

4. Select Convert to Employee Account. 

5. Enter an Employee ID number then Save Information and Close.

Now their account will state that they are an Employee.

Converting via Customers

1. Go to Customers. 

2. Lookup the account and select their name. 
3. Select Edit Customer.

4. Select Convert to Employee Account. 

5. Enter an Employee ID number then Save Information and Close

Related Information:

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