Social Media Tips
How to Find and Edit Your Username on Social Media
When you set up our social accounts, you are asked to set a brand or page name. This name is important if you want people to mention or tag your store! This quick tutorial will show you how to find your page name so people can find and tag you on ...
How to Properly Tag on Social Media
If you've ever wondered how or why to tag a person or brand on social media, you're in the right place! But First, What is Tagging? Tagging on social media is the act of tying or linking a person or a brand page to a piece of content. This notifies ...
How to Comment on Social Media
What is Commenting on Social Media? Commenting is the "social" in "social media". This is the main form of interaction individuals and brands have on social platforms. Why is Commenting on Social Media Important? Commenting on Social Media is a quick ...
How to Share on Social Media
What is a "Share"? Sharing on social media is like forwarding a great article to friends or family. It's an easy way to highlight things in your industry or in your area that you find interesting! If you find something on social media that you think ...
How to Post on Social Media
What is posting? Posting is the main form of content creation on social media. On most platforms you can post all sorts of creative content. You can share text, picture, videos, article links, or pretty much anything online! Why is posting on social ...