How to Enable Astro | FranPOS Integration
Contact Astro Support to enable the API connection on your account: FranPOS Frequent Feeder Back Office Setup: 1. Proceed to Settings > Frequent Feeder - 2. Enable Astro Loyalty ...
How to Checkout & Redeem OFFERS | FranPOS Android Integration
Make sure you are enrolled in Astro Offers in your Astro account: How to Enroll in Offers | Astro Offers Offers will take 24 hours to load into FranPOS. Redeeming Rebate Offers: 1. Add a customer to the order on the register. 2. Add the customers ...
Checkout & Redeeming | FranPOS Android Integration
Integration for Android devices. Enable FranPOS: 1. Contact Astro Support, so that we can enable the integration on your Astro account. Checkout Process: 1. Select Register on the POS. 2. Add customer to sale. 3. Lookup or ...