While creating a templated campaign you have the ability to schedule your campaign for a later time. This can be extremely useful if you plan your campaigns in advance and you want them to be available at specific times. Yup, We Got a 2 Minute Video ...
How to Send Multi-Media Campaign: 1. Go to to the Marketing Suite and select Campaigns. 2. Select 'Template Creator'. 3. Select 'New Template Campaign'. Template Campaign Setup Step 1 4. Enter in a Campaign Title. 5. Select your Recipient List. It ...
Multi-Location Accounts and the Astro Marketing Suite Multi-Location Astro Accounts are comprised of one Master Location and one or several Sub-Locations. The Master Location can both serve as a store account and an HQ account that has the ability to ...
What are the Benefits to Posting Campaigns to Social Media? There are more chances for your customers to see your Campaign. This is also the only Campaign type where your customers can leave comments. When you send an Email, Push Notification, or an ...
Multi-Media Templated Campaigns Overview There are two categories of Campaigns on the Astro Marketing Suite: Templated Campaigns & Simple Campaigns. The main difference between the two types is that Templated Campaigns utilize a Template to carry the ...