How to Correct and Resubmit a Denied Redemption for Credit
If you received notification that redemption was denied credit by distribution, it is typically because one of the following reasons:
Account Number Issues
The reason for denial is related to one of two things. You did not add a distributor account number when you enrolled in your Frequent Buyer Program or Offer or you have entered the wrong distributor account number. To correct the distributor account number issues, follow the instructions below:
Start by logging into your Astro account as an Admin User.
Select your Reports menu from your header menu on your Astro homescreen.
Now select the Distributor Free Goods Credit Status report.
Then click the tab labeled Declined Credits. Now you will find yourself on the following screen where you will see your declined credits listed.
Locate credit(s) with the Decline Reason Incorrect Account Number.
If the wrong account number was entered click the red account number to generate a pop-up so you can update the account number.
Add your current Distributor Account Number to the field provided and click Save Account Number to lock it in.
Once you are satisfied that you have corrected the issue with your declined redemption click Resubmit Redemption.
Lastly, select Resubmit for Credit on the pop up. You also have the option to enter a note to distributor.
If the account number was is missing click No Account Number and enter the account number. Now click Save Account Number.

Then click Resubmit Redemption to resubmit the redemption for credit.
Lastly, select Resubmit for Credit on the pop up. You also have the option to enter a note to distributor.
Once you Resubmit for Credit, you will see the date that you resubmitted the redemption and your distributor will be able to reprocess this redemption. Once the redemption is batched into a new report you will no longer see it listed under your Denied Credits tab.
To prevent future denials associated with distributor account number errors verify that you have added your distributor account numbers to all of your Frequent Buyer and Offer Enrollments. Your Enrollment Grids will provide you with the most efficient way to maintain your current enrollments. Your
Frequent Buyer Enrollment Grid is located within your Frequent Buyer menu and your
Offers Enrollment Grid is located within your Offers menu.
These Enrollment Grids give you a snapshot of all the programs your retail location is participating in, the distributor you have selected as your fulfillment partner, and the account number entered. If you notice you have chosen the wrong distributor, entered the wrong account number, or failed to enter the distributor account number altogether, you can correct this by clicking the distributor name and updating the distributor or clicking the account number.
Please note: If you are a multi-store location you will need to enroll and enter account numbers specific to each location to ensure your credits will be sent to the correct account.
No Purchase History
You may have been denied a credit because there is no purchase history between you and your chosen fulfillment partner of the item redeemed. If the item redeemed was purchased through another distributor, you will need select the distributor appropriate for this redemption and resubmit for crediting.
The cause of a "No Purchase History" denial can be one of two things:
- The cashier who redeemed the card chose the wrong product and they just happened to select an item your location does not carry.
- The item selected for redemption was correct, but you've never purchased this item from the distributor your program is reporting to.
If you determine that scenario #1 is what happened, you must first determine what item the cashier should have selected while redeeming the card. Once you know what item should have been selected, follow the steps below to correct this error and resubmit for credit.
Incorrect Item Redeemed
If you find that the item reported as a redemption was selected incorrectly, you need to redo the redemption and select the actual item you gave away. Then you can resubmit the redemption to distribution for credit. To do so follow the steps below.
Start by logging into your Astro account as an Admin User.
Select your Reports menu from your header menu on your Astro homescreen.
Now select the Distributor Free Goods Credit Status report.
Then click the tab labeled Declined Credits. Now you will find yourself on the following screen where you will see your declined credits listed.
Locate credit(s) that were withheld because of Incorrect Item / No Purchase History.
Click the orange Change Redeemed Item button below the item that was accidentally reported as your free good.
Select the correct item from the drop down menu on the pop up and click Save Item Change.
The drop-down menu will only show you the items that were redeemable based on the customer's prior purchases. However, the list shows all qualifying items made by the brand manufacturer. You may not carry all the items listed at your store so choose carefully and mindfully.
If you do not see the item that was given away for free then that item did not actually qualify as a free good for that particular customer's card. The program in question is most likely a Lesser Than or Equal Value Free program. In this case your best bet is to choose another item from the redeemable list that you did purchase at one point from the distributor you are reporting to.
Click the green Resubmit button.
Read the pop up, enter any necessary information in the text box (this is optional), and click Resubmit for Credit.
Once you Resubmit for Credit, you will see the date that you resubmitted the redemption and your distributor will be able to reprocess this redemption. Once the redemption is batched into a new report you will no longer see it listed under your Denied Credits tab.
Program Reported to Wrong Distributor
If you had an item denied because it was submitted to the wrong distributor, you can simply click the distributor name located under the fulfillment header and select the correct distributor that your reimbursement should report to. Make sure your account number is also updated. Once you update the distributor information, it will automatically update the redemption to the distributor selected and removed from the declined credit section.
Hide/Unhide Denied Credit Redemptions
In the unlikelihood that you are unable to correct a denied credit, you are now able to move it out of view. To hide a denied credit, you simply click the red Hide button located under the Declined Reason header.
If at any time, you need to view the redemptions that were denied and previously hidden, you will check the box located on the left of Show Hidden Denied Credit.