Redeemable Same Day | Standard Loyalty Points

Redeemable Same Day | Standard Loyalty Points

What is Redeemable Same Day?

This option will allow you to choose whether or not your customers can earn points that can be redeemed on the same transaction as their purchase. This article will show you how it works with the option enabled and disabled. 

Redeemable Same Day Points Disabled:

Having the Redeemable Same Day option disabled means that your customers will still earn their points for their purchases, but the points will NOT be added to their account until the transaction is complete. This will prevent them from making a purchase and using those points to redeem a reward on the same transaction. 

1. As an Admin user on the account, go to your Actions menu. 

2. Select My Points Setup

3. You can use an existing Points Event you already created or you can create a new Event
In this example, we will edit an existing point option "Midtown Points. This is a basic $1= 1point event. 

4. Near the bottom of the options, there is a check box for Redeemable Same Day.
In this example we are leaving the box unchecked. 

So now, we will show you what happens during check out with this option not checked for your Points Events. 
1. Go to Checkout. 

2. Look up the customer. 

3. Enter in their purchases for that transaction(if any) and select Manage Loyalty Points

4. Enter in their Points earned. 

5. If everything looks correct, select Checkout. You will see that the customer has earned the points for their purchase today. 
6. Since the Redeemable Same Day option is disabled, the Points total DOES NOT update during this transaction. The points will be applied to their account after the transaction. Select Finish when done. 
In this example, the customer's points remain at 0 even though they earned 16 during the transaction. 

If you ring up the customer again, you will see the points in their account now. 

Redeemable Same Day Points Enabled:

When the Redeemable Same Day Points option is enabled, this functions similarly to how the Basic Loyalty Points option works if you have been using that prior. The customers can earn points during the transaction and redeem those points during the same transaction. 

1. As an Admin user on the account, go to your Actions menu. 
If you are a multi-location account, the Admin user on the parent account will have access to these options. 

2. Select My Points Setup

3. You can use an existing Points Event you already created or you can create a new Event
In this example, we will edit an existing point option "Midtown Points. This is a basic $1= 1point event. 

4. Near the bottom of the options, there is a check box for Redeemable Same Day. Check the box to enable. 

This will show you how the points will work with this option enabled:
1. Go to Checkout. 

2. Look up the customer. 

3. Enter in their purchases for that transaction(if any) and select Manage Loyalty Points

4. Enter in their Points earned and Save Transaction. 

5. If everything looks correct, select Checkout. You will see that the customer has earned the points for their purchase today. 

6. Since the Redeemable Same Day is enabled, the points will be applied to their account during the transaction.  
The customer has earned enough points to be redeemed in this example. If they want to redeem those points now, you can select Redeem Loyalty Points
7. Redeem their reward and Save Redemption Selection. 

8. Their points will now update from the redemption and you can apply the redeem reward to your POS. If everything looks correct, select Finished. 

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