Recipient Lists | How to Generate Customer Lists | Marketing Suite
Recipient Lists | How to Generate Customer Lists | Marketing Suite
Customer Marketing Lists
Marketing List Generator Tutorial Video
List Generator
Let's start with how to make a new list. First click the red button at the top right that says Create New List. Now you are in the List Generator which is divided into four main sections, each section contains several fields that you can use to apply specific filters to your master Pet Owner list.
List Type / Limit Results To
There are two list types: Filtered List and Manual List.
Filtered List
The Filtered List setting will help you to compile your list using the filters listed below.
If you leave any of these fields blank, the filter will not be applied and the list will not be affected by that filter's particular categorization.
Some of the filters have a directly effect the selectable list of options within the other filters. For instance, the Vendor selection will influence the available Frequent Buyer Programs and Offers options. In order to generate the Punches Remaining field, a Frequent Buyer Program will need to be selected.
Manual List
The Manual List setting will allow you to add each customer's contact info manually. This setting is useful if you have a short list of customers you need to send a campaign to.
Limit Results To
Here you can select a maximum number of customers that you want to appear on your generated list based on the VIP stats you choose. If you select Top 150, this will generate a new field where you can choose what you want to be the basis of determining that Top 150.
Your options are:
Purchase Volume
Redemption Volume
Campaign Suggestions - This filter option is HUGE if you were wishing for a way to quickly identify your "VIP Super Awesome Customers". This will help you generate a list of customers who have most likely been with you from the very beginning and have grown to become your loyal regulars. These lists are great to pair with a simple "Thank you for being Awesome" Campaign where you thank them for being so dang great. They can also be paired with a "Thank you for being Awesome and here's a special My Promotion for you" Campaign if you are feeling generous and want to reward their loyalty with a gift.
These fields allow you to compile customer lists based on your customers' purchase activity for products tracked in Astro. Here you can sort your master Pet Owner list according to the Vendor items your customers have purchased. You can also filter that list down to the specific Frequent Buyer Program they have participated in and factor in how many Punches Remaining on their program card. Additionally, use these filters to generate a list of customers who have participated in specific Offers. Or compile a list of customers based on how many times they have redeemed a card for a Frequent Buyer Program or Offer using the Redemption Volume filter.
This drop-down menu lists all vendors who's Frequent Buyer Programs or Offers you are currently enrolled in. If you would like to compile a list of customers based on what vendor's products they are purchasing, you would select it from this drop-down menu.
Frequent Buyer Programs
This drop-down menu will list either all Frequent Buyer Programs you are currently enrolled in, or, if you chose a specific Vendor in the field above, it will only list Frequent Buyer Programs pertaining to that specific Vendor. If you would like to compile a list of customers that are participating in a specific Frequent Buyer Program, you would select that program name here.
If you are subscribed to Custom Programs they will be listed here as well. The program I chose in the example image above is our demo store's Custom Frequent Bather Program.
Tip - Selecting a specificFrequent Buyer Program from this filter menu will generate a new filter menu below called Punches Remaining. These two filters when paired create a fantastic inventory tool. It will generate a list of impending redemptions so that you can make sure to update your inventory to accommodate the redemptions. Additionally, use these lists to send words of encouragement to those customers who are close to completing their cards.
Campaign Suggestions - A list of customers participating in a specific Frequent Buyer Program can be used to send announcements of product additions, an announcement of an Offer, or secondary program that complements the program they are participating in. You can also use this list to inform your customers about changes to a program at your store. It can even be used to let your customers know when your brand rep will be in town handing out goodies!
Punches Remaining
The Punches Remaining field will only appear as an option after a specific Frequent Buyer Programis chosen from the above field. Once a program is selected, you can choose Any Punches Remaining, or an amount of Punches Remaining. If you would like to reach out to customers who are close to redeeming their cards for a specific program, or have a record of who is close to a redemption at any given time, this field will need a value of 1, 2, 3 or 4 selected.
Campaign Suggestion - It is especially grand to pair a Punches Remaining / Frequent Buyer Program filtered list with a Campaign announcement for an Offer that corresponds to the Vendor program the customer is close to completing. Especially if that Offer rewards a free good or a discount for an item purchase that would bring your customer close to completing their frequent buyer card. This way they can get a free promotional item for their final frequent buyer purchase thus completing their card so they can then get their long awaited free bag. This will surely excite your customers and they will be thrilled that you pointed it out to them. If a Campaign like this interests you follow this lead (link to example) to learn how to set it up.
This drop-down menu will either list all Offers you are currently enrolled in, or list Offer Types pertaining to the specific Vendor chosen in the Vendor field, if one was selected.
This field will not list specific Offers since they change every month, instead it will list Offer Types or generalizations such as:
"Grizzly Pet Products - All Offers" -or- "Grizzly Pet Products - Supplements"
One of these options is more general and will include all customers who participated in all Grizzly Offers, the other option is more specific and will only include customers who participated in a Grizzly Offer that was promoting a Supplement.
Some of the most common Offer Types are Food, Supplements, and Treats.
If All Offers is selected for this field then your list will include all customers who have ever participated in Offers.
Campaign Suggestion - This is a great list to generate if you want to send out monthly announcements to your customers who you know are anxiously waiting to find out what your next months Offers will be.
Redemption Volume
This filter has two Primary settings, Greater Than/Equal To or Lesser Than/Equal To. Then there are two secondary settings that the primary setting will reference while filtering your List. First you will choose the Number of Redemptions you want the filter to find and then choose a Time Frame you want the filter to search within for those redemptions.
The Number of Redemptions field has several options to choose from: 6 Redemptions, 12 Redemptions, 18 Redemptions, 24 Redemptions.
The Time Frame field has several options as well: All Time, In Last 6 Months, In Last 12 Months, In Last 18 Months, In Last 24 Months.
This filter can be applied to a list on its own like in the example image above for a more general representation of your customers' redemption history, or it can be paired with the other Purchase Filters like Vendor, Frequent Buyer Programs or Offers for a more brand specific representation of your customers' redemption history.
If you filter according to Greater Than/Equal To > 6 Redemptions > In Last 12 Months you would generate a List of customers who have redeemed at least 6 cards or more within the past 12-months. If you have no other Purchase fields selected this filter will reference all Frequent Buyer, Offers, and Custom Program Redemptions at your store. You can apply a specific Vendor, Frequent Buyer Program, or Offer to create a more specific List.
If you filter according to Lesser Than/Equal To> 6 Redemptions > In Last 12 Months you would generate a List of customers who have redeemed at the very most 6 cards or less within the last 12-months. Customers who have redeemed zero cards would be included on this List. If you have no other Purchase fields selected this filter will reference all Frequent Buyer, Offers, and Custom Program Redemptions at your store. You can apply a specific Vendor, Frequent Buyer Program or Offer to create a more specific List.
Tips - This filter is great to apply to Lists if you want to find your VIP customers who are redeeming cards on a more frequent basis or which customers have yet to complete/are slow to complete cards. A Vendor specific Redemption List is useful to generate and share with your vendor reps.
Store Visits
These fields can be used to generate lists based on the frequency or infrequency that your customers come to visit your store to purchase products in Astro.
There is a field that can be used to track either a customer's Last Visit or their very First Visit. This is a great tool when you want to see which customers are repeatedly returning every 30, 60 or 90 days, or if you would like to see what customers are new to a particular program.
If you are more interested in the Number of Visits, there is a field where you can track Greater Than or Less Than a set number of visits. This will generate lists that reference a customer's overall volume of visits. This is a great list to generate if you would like to see who's been visiting your store the most, or if you want to see who needs more enticement so they will stop by and visit more often.
Finally there is a field that will help you generate a list of customers who are Eligible for a Frequent Buyer Redemption but they have not redeemed their reward yet. This is an amazing tool to use if you want to make sure your customers know they have a free product available for redemption.
Last Visit
This drop-down menu will list specific Visit Time Frames. There are two types of Time Frames listed: X Days Since Last Purchase or X Days Since First Purchase. Last Purchase gives you options of 30, 60 or 90 Days. First Purchase has 15, 30, 45, 60 as available options. These filters will reference all cards, both redeemed and unredeemed.
Tip - Last Purchase is a useful tool when you are trying to determine lost customers. It is also a great list to generate if you want to get a good idea of how many customers repeatedly return every X-days, and who those repeat customers are.
Tip - First Purchase is a useful tool when you want to welcome customers to your store or to a particular program.
Number of Visits
This field will help you compile a list of customers based on how many times they have visited your store overall. There are two options: Greater Than/Equal To or Less Than/Equal To. Then there is a field where you can enter either your baseline number or your maximum number depending on the filter you chose.
Tips - Greater Than is a great option if you want to compile a list of customers who are your most frequent visitors. Depending on what number you choose as your minimum number of visits this list will most likely include your customers who have either been shopping with you the longest and/or are your loyal regulars. If you are looking for a way to identify your Top 50 customers then pairing this filter with the Limit Results To : Top 50 filter with Based On Purchase Volume selected will surely do the trick. Once you have your list in hand you can create a Custom Tag called "Top 50" or "[insert name of shop pet here]'s Favorites" and then go through and tag those customers listed so you will know who they are during checkout.
Tip - Less Than is a great option when you want to compile a list of customers who you don't see as often or could be new to your store. These are customers that with the proper enticement could become one of your Top 100, or even one of your Top 50!
Eligible for Frequent Buyer Redemption
This filter is great for when you want to remind your customers that they have a free bag of something waiting for them. You have several options: 10 Days, 15 Days, 20 Days, 25 Days, 30 Days, 45 Days, 60 or More Days Old. If you pair this filter with either the Vendor filter or the Frequent Buyer Programs filter then you will generate a more specific list of customers.
Tip - If you select 30 or More Days Old then you will generate a list of all customers who have earned a free good at least 30 days ago but they have not yet come by to redeem it. You are the best judge of typically how often a customer may come to purchase their food. However, the average per customer is one bag per month. If they did forget their free bag on their account, it can't hurt to remind them!
Campaign Suggestion - This is a great list to pair with a simple Quick Campaign reminding your customers to stop by for their free good, but it is also a great list to pair with a campaign advertising your Offers for the month.
Loyalty Points
This section is only pertinent if you have Loyalty Points activated on your account. You can use this filter to compile lists of your customers participating in your Loyalty Points program. The first field will help identify your customers with enough points and are Eligible for a Loyalty Redemption. The second field will help you compile a list based on how many Loyalty Points your customers have currently.
Eligible for Loyalty Redemption
This filter is great if you want a way to remind or notify your customers that they are eligible to redeem a Points Reward. The options in the drop-down menu will include all of your Points Rewards that are currently Active. If you do not see one of your Points Rewards listed check your Points Program to make sure that the missing Points Reward is Active.
Tips - This list can be useful if you would like a way to see how many customers at any given time are eligible for a redemption. This can help you monitor your program participation and make sure that you are not being too generous with your rewards. Additionally, it can prepare you if it looks like a lot of customers will be redeeming a Points Reward in the near future.
Campaign Suggestion - The obvious here is to pair this list with a reminder campaign to let your customers know they are eligible for a Points Reward. Since you are reminding them to come by and get something for free or at a discount it would also be a good list to pair with some info about your monthly Offers or another exciting deal you have going on at your store. Then they not only get their much anticipated Points Reward, but they can also reap the benefit of a special promotion.
Loyalty Points
You can use this filter to identify who your greatest points earners are. You have two filter options: Greater Than/Equal To or Less Than/Equal To. Then there is a field where you can enter either your baseline number or your maximum number depending on the filter you chose. This filter was built to reference your customer's current points totals. If you want to see your customer's Lifetime Points checkout the Loyalty Points Participation report.
Tips - Greater Than is going to be your go to filter when you want to determine who your top point earners are. It is especially great to use if you want to determine how many customers are holding onto their points to get to your top Rewards and how many are spending their points as soon as they are eligible for one of your base Rewards. For instance, if you have a base Reward that requires 500pts and your top Reward requires 1000pts then you can generate a list that is Greater Than/ Equal To 500 to see who is most likely working towards earning the big Reward.
Tips - Less Than is helpful when you want to notify your customers who are close to redeeming a Reward, or if you want to send check-in emails to encourage them to shop and earn points. Let's say your minimum Points Reward is valued at 500pts. If you create a list of customers who have 499 points or less then you can send them an encouragement campaign that showcases the Rewards they have to look forward to once they reach the points requirement.
Mobile Phone Filters
The first filter will compile a list of your customers who have a Mobile Phone Number associated with their Pet Owner account.
The second filter will reference whether or not a customer has decided to Opt In For Text Messaging.
The final filter, Mobile App Push Notification Available, will help you determine who has downloaded your Free Astro Mobile App on their smartphone and are open to accepting Push Notifications.
This filter has one option: Only Customers with Mobile Phone Entered. This will create a list of customers who have a phone number associated with their Pet Owner account, it will not take into consideration whether or not they have opted in to SMS Text.
There is a chance that a handful of your customers may have given you their home phone number rather than their mobile number, but that shouldn't affect the intended benefit of this list. Customers are able to update their phone number along with the rest of their contact information via the Free Astro Mobile App, or you can edit their contact info during Checkout.
Tips - This list will come in handy when you want to see how many of your customers have a phone number on their account and therefore have the option to receive text if they decide to opt in. If you hadn't thought to collect phone numbers in the past this list will help you see the progress you have made while you build your mobile phone database.
Campaign Suggestion - If you are just getting your Marketing Suite up and running and you want a quick way to let your customers know they will have the option to opt in for SMS Text alerts, then this list is a great place to start. As long as they also have an email address associated with their account, or the Free Astro Mobile App downloaded, you will be able to send them an announcement style campaign to let them know you have a new, lightning fast way to let them know when cool stuff is going down at your store. Make sure to let them know they will need to tell you they opt in the next time they visit your store.
As you may have already learned, a customer must opt in in order to receive text messaging, they must tell you in person so you can update their Pet Owner account accordingly. You can opt a retailer in to text messaging while Checking them out in Astro.
This filter has two options: Has Opted In or Has Not Opted In.
Tips - If you are going to be using SMS Text to communicate with your customers you will definitely want to create a List for Has Opted In. This list will tell you the exact number of customers who are capable of receiving texts at any given time. You can then use this number to gauge what your SMS Minimum Credit Balance and your SMS Credit Reload Amount should be to ensure that every time you draft a SMS Text it is able to be sent right away, For instance, if you have 423 customers on your Opt In list then it would make sense to set your minimum credit balance to 500 and your credit reload amount to at least 500. These settings can be applied to Text Configurationwhich is housed within the Settings on your Dashboard.
The Free Astro Mobile App is an incredible tool and it is of great benefit to both you and your customers. This filter will help you determine how many of your customers have downloaded the App and registered it with your store.
Tip - A good goal to have is to grow this list until it includes all or most of your customers. The App is beneficial to your customers because it allows them to track their Frequent Buyer and Loyalty Points progress in real time. It lists and describes all of the Offers you are currently enrolled in, it gives them a place to keep their account info up to date, and they can receive Push Notifications from you via it.
Customer Tag Filters
These tags can be customized in Settings under Customer Check Out and New Customer Information Settings. Once you have created your custom Customer Tags they can be added to your customer's Pet Owner accounts during Checkout or while editing their contact info.
Some popular Customer Tags include Grooming Customer, Dog Wash Regular, VIP Customer, Contest Winner, Rescue Foster, Breeder, Food Allergies, Boarding Customer, 2000 Lifetime Points Earned, etc. There are so many things you can do with these Tags. You can use these lists to send targeted campaign announcements or special My Promotions to your VIPs, or they can simply help you keep track of how many customers are tagged in a particular way.
Tips - These Tags not only come in handy while checking out a customer since they can be used to help identify specific groups of customers that may have special perks or require special attention, but they also allow you to create very specific customized Lists of customers based on your own customer categories.
Campaign Suggestions - If you have an event at your store where you have customers entering to win Free Food, or another in-house reward the Customer Tags paired with My Promotions comes in super handy. Once you have your winners you can Tag their Pet Owner accounts, then compile a list using the Customer Tags filter, then build a My Promotion campaign and send it to your winners. There's no need to make a special Custom Program or Offer, and the best part is the My Promotion is super easy to redeem and impossible to be missed.
Pet Filters
These filters allow you to create Lists according to Pet Type, Pet Age or Pet Birthday.
This filter will allow you to generate lists based on the Pet Type owned by your customers. So far your options include Cat, Dog, Horse, Bird or Other. These are the same options you have when adding a Pet to your customer's Pet Owner account under Checkout. See image below.
Tips - Have you been wanting to expand your cat food/supply section, or add a new food for small animals to your inventory? Generating some Pet Type Lists may be just what you need to determine if you have a customer base that would appreciate those expansions or new additions. Try your best to add all of your customer's pets to their account. They will appreciate your attention to these details and your desire to make sure all of their pets are adequately represented at your store.
Campaign Suggestion - A Pet Type specific List would come in handy when you want to, for example, tell all of your cat customers about a new cat litter that you decided to bring on at your store, or tell all your dog customers about a new toy line you've added. Campaigns that are addressed to, mention, or are geared specifically to the customer's pet tend to be met with a more positive response by the pet owner. They are more likely to open/read/click these types of campaigns.
Pet Age
This filter allows you to generate lists based on age groups of your customers' pets. There are several options: 1-2 Years, 3-4 Years, 5-6
Years, 7-8 Years, 9+ Years. In order to generate these lists you will first need to start adding at least the Birth Year for each customer while editing their Pet Owner account either while under Checkout or Pet Owner Lookup. If they know the Birth Month definitely add that as well since it will help you send fun birthday announcements later. The image below shows where to add Birth Month and Birth Year while editing a Pet Owner account. You can either add a New Pet if they are missing from the Pet Information section or edit an existing Pet by clicking the red pencil next to the pet's name.
Tips - This kind of list can come in handy when you want to see how many young pets have owners shopping with you. A display with New Puppy and New Kitten items would be a great addition to your store if you see a spike in young pets. Just like a display that focuses on Joint Health and CBD Supplements would be great if you see that your senior lists are growing.
Campaign Suggestions - If you notice that you have a new monthly Offer coming up that you think would be perfect for a young pet, or another that would be ideal for an older pet, then send a Quick Offer Campaign to the appropriate Young Pet or Senior Pet list.
Pet Birthday
Yay Birthdays! There are two filter options: This Month or Next Month. These are fantastic Lists to pair with a My Promotion.
Campaign Suggestions - Happy Birthday My Promotions! (link to example) These are so much fun to make. It is up to you whether you want to send these out using a Next Month list or a This Month list, play around and see which gets a better response. You could also send the My Promotion using a Next Month list then send a Quick Campaign as a reminder using a This Month list. Pet Birthdays are a big deal as we all know. Giving your customer's pets something nice for their birthday is sure to be appreciated and warrant a Birthday Visit so they can stock up on presents and treats. Some popular birthday gifts include: a Free Large Decorated Bakery Cookie, a 10% Discount on a Toy or Packaged Treat, a Goodie Bag full of Samples, $5 Off Any Purchase, and so on, the more creative the better!
Completing and Saving Your List
Once you have finished selecting and filling in all your desired fields you can select the Save & Refresh button. Then you will be able to enter a Title for your List. If you need to make adjustments to your chosen filters or to your List title you can edit them from the main Lists screen.
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