Overview | Sharing the Love Pet Adoption Programs

Overview | Sharing the Love Pet Adoption Programs

Sharing the Love | Adoption Programs & Bundles

From the moment Astro was just an idea scribbled on a napkin we had a vision that someday we would be able to create a platform that would help members of the pet industry orchestrate positive contributions to the world of Rescue and Pet Adoptions. FINALLY the day is here where we can realize that dream! 

This platform is a true collaborative effort between the Brand Manufacturers that we all love (who have shown inspiring generosity and an eagerness to participate), Local Rescues & Shelters (who are doing the good work uniting pets with their people), the Indy Pet Retailer (that's you!- who are the heroes ensuring the nutritional health and well being of our pets), our Distributor Partners (who also have been at the forefront of helping us realize this dream), and Astro Loyalty.

What Are Adoption Bundle Programs?

  1. Astro has been working with our Brand Manufacturer Partners to design special programs to help welcome new pets (Dog, Cat, Bird, Small Animal, Horse, etc) and their pet parents to your store. These Programs reward Free Goods that will help to get your new or current customer started on the right path in caring for their new pet. And we're not talking samples here, we're talking full-size products! So far we have a nice list of takers and it keeps growing!
  2. These items are added to Pet Adoption Programs on Astro, which will be grouped under their own section with your Offers menu.
  3. Each Brand Manufacturer will have their own program for the Item Type (Kibble, Raw, Litter, Treat, Toy, Supplement) that they are giving away and the Species (Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Gerbil, Rat, Mouse, Guinea Pig) that they are giving that item to. 
  4. As a Retailer, you will be able to enroll in the programs that interest you.
  5. When a new Pet Parent arrives at your store, you will be able to hook them up with full-size Manufacturer Sponsored Free Goods to help them get started on their pet parenting journey. And because you will most likely have at least the Food and Treats covered as Free Goods in your Pet Adoption Bundle, you can help them out with the other necessary and fun accessories like Collars, Leashes, Harnesses, Food/Water Bowls, ID Tags, Beds, Crates, Toys, etc., etc.! 
  6. The best thing that we can do for these New Pet Parents is to give them the support they need to ensure their pets are happy and healthy in the years to come, and what better people to help ensure this than those in the Indy Pet Community! We believe that not only will you gain new customers for life, but you will gain a stronger bond with the members of your community by Sharing the Love.

How Do Pet Adoption Programs Work at my Store?

  1. Start by Enrolling in the Pet Adoption Programs that interest you. 
  2. Market your new Adoption Programs to your customers and your local friends in Rescue using the Marketing Suite (optional but strongly advised- and fun!).
  3. When a new Pet Parent comes into your store, let them know about your customizable Adoption Bundles, then look them up under Checkout or add them to Astro as a New Customer.
  4. Type either "astro[species name]" or "New Pet - [species name, i.e., Dog]" onto their Pet Owner account and hit Enter
  5. Record the Name of the Rescue Group or Shelter they adopted their pet from and then choose the Free Goods they want- one from each category (Kibble, Can/Wet Diets, Freeze-Dried/Raw Diets, Hay, Treats, Supplements, Supplies, Toys, etc.). 
  6. Redeem the Free Goods in Astro.
  7. Give the New Pet Parent their Free Rewards! If you haven't already, find out if there is anything else their new pet needs today.
  8. All Free Goods redeemed via these programs will automatically report to your chosen distributor for credit reimbursement

Who Qualifies as a New Pet Owner, and what counts as an Adopted Pet?

A New Pet Owner is someone who has adopted a formerly homeless pet within one to two months of visiting your store. 

When a New Pet Adoption Reward is redeemed, it will save the date the reward was redeemed on. This will be recorded as the Adoption Date. If the date the customer adopted their pet is different from today's date, then add the date of adoption to the Additional Notes. We will go over this in greater detail in the How to Redeem article. 

First and foremost, 'Sharing The Love' was created as a means for Astro, our Brand Partners, and our Retailer Members to reward Pet Adoption from 501(c)(3) Rescues and Shelters, but we do allow for some leniency when it comes to unique circumstances. 

An Adopted Pet can be any homeless pet in need that has been welcomed into the Pet Owner's home and has not lived with that Pet Owner in the past. 

This includes, but is not limited to:
  1. 501(c)(3) Rescue Agency
  2. Animal Shelter
  3. Private Party Re-home
  4. Stray (Legal Stray Hold Fulfilled)
  5. In-Store (Small Animal Only)
Let's get into how each of these options are defined. 

501(c)(3) Rescue Agency Adoption

What is considered a 501(c)(3) Rescue Agency?
 Animal rescue organization shall mean any not-for-profit organization which has tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, whose mission and practice is, in whole or in significant part, the rescue of animals and the placement of those animals in permanent homes, and which does not obtain dogs or cats from a breeder or broker for payment or compensation.
A "Foster-Fail" could also be considered a 501(c)(3) adoption if that foster was fostering that pet for a 501(c)(3) rescue agency. 

A pet store that is registered as a 501(c)(3) rescue, or who is affiliated with a 501(c)(3) rescue, who adopts dogs and cats out of their store would qualify as a 501(c)(3) adoption in 'Sharing The Love.' 

Any pets adopted at an 501(c)(3) Rescue Adoption Event hosted at a pet store of course qualify as a 501(c)(3) Adoption. Hosting an Adoption Event for your favorite local rescue is a great way to be an even greater active participant in 'Sharing The Love!'

Animal Shelter Adoption

What is considered an animal shelter?
An Animal Shelter is a faculty that keeps, provides a shelter for or legally impounds stray, homeless, abandoned or unwanted animals and possessed a shelter license from their department of agriculture. An animal shelter can be county run, or private- such as the SPCA or the Humane Society. 
A "Foster-Fail" could also be considered a shelter adoption if that foster was fostering that pet for their local shelter. 

If a person finds a stray animal and brings that animal to their local shelter, then that shelter keeps the animal in their care until their stray-hold is fulfilled, and then that shelter ends up adopting that animal to the person who found the stray animal and that person pays the shelter's adoption fees- this would be considered a Shelter Adoption, not a Stray Adoption. 

If a Foster Parent wants to partake in this program, the best way they can do so is by referring the person who adopts their foster pet to your store so they can redeem their New Pet Adoption Reward. If the Foster Parent becomes The Parent due to a Foster-Fail, then they can redeem the reward themselves.

Private Party Re-Home Adoption

What is considered a Private Party Re-Home Adoption?
The Private Party Re-home option was added by Astro in order to provide some guidance and leniency when it comes to special and unique circumstances so as to be more inclusive rather than exclusive. In order to best explain what is considered a Private Party Re-home we need to address what it could be, and what it is NOT. 

A Private Party Re-home could be:
  1. A pet owner passes away and leaves their pet to a friend or family member. No money/payment exchanges hands.
  2. A pet owner has to move or has issues with a landlord and can no longer keep their pet, and rather than surrendering that pet to a shelter they decide to give that pet to a friend or family member, or put that pet up for a private adoption. No money/payment exchanges hands.
  3. In short, this could be any unfortunate circumstance that causes a pet to have to move from one home to another, the important factor being that no money/payment exchanges hands.
A Private Party Re-home is NOT:
  1. A professional breeder selling a dog or cat to person.
  2. A backyard breeder selling a dog or cat to a person.
  3. A pet store that is functioning as a profitable business who acquires dogs or cats from a breeder and then sells those animals to a person. 

What is considered a Stray Adoption?
We primarily added this option because of the "cat distribution system" - if you know, you know. 

A Stray is a dog or cat that was found by a person. Then that person fulfills all legally required attempts to find that pet's owner. Then if no owner is found within the legally required timeframe, that person can decide to keep that animal as a pet. (NOTE: If the finder brings the stray animal to their local shelter and ends up adopting that pet from the shelter, that would be considered a Shelter Adoption, not a Stray Adoption.)

Some steps that a person could take to find the original pet owner include, but are not limited to:
  1. Bring the pet to a vet or shelter to be scanned for a microchip
  2. Post a picture and details about that found pet to the "Found Pet" section of a page like PetFinder
  3. Post "Found Pet" flyers in their community
  4. Bring the pet to a shelter so the shelter can perform the legal hold 
These laws vary by state, and if a person doesn't abide by them they could be charged with theft if the animal ends up being a lost pet rather than a homeless pet, so check out this resource or contact your local shelter to learn more. 

In-Store (Small Animal Only)

What is considered a Small Animal?
Hamster, Guinea Pig, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Mouse, Rat. 

And yes, we are very familiar with the small animal 501(c)(3) rescues that exist all over the USA and Canada, several of which exist within retail locations - and of course, if a rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, chinchilla, mouse or rat is adopted from a 501(c)(3) rescue agency - whether inside of a pet store or outside of one, then that would be considered a 501(c)(3) Adoption, not an In-Store Adoption.
What is not considered a Small Animal?
Dog or Cat

What if a pet owner comes into my store with a unique situation that is not outlined above?

If you don't want to turn a customer away who doesn't exactly fit within the parameters outlined above, you can choose to honor the program for them- but you must explain their unique situation in the "Additional Information" section of the Adoption Form. 

If you are unsure about whether an adoption scenario qualifies for 'Sharing The Love,' please ask

We aim to keep 'Sharing The Love' as flexible as possible to assist you in supporting and caring for your customers and their pets according to your preferences. However, with this flexibility comes responsibility. Both Astro and our collective brand partners trust you to maintain the programs intended design by rewarding those who chose to adopt a pet in need. 

'Sharing The Love' is a charitable program provided to our members at no cost, with participating brands driven by their commitment to supporting homeless pet adoption in your community. 

While you may choose to make occasional exceptions regarding what qualifies as a New Pet Owner and an Adopted Pet at your store, any deviations from the standard guidelines are at your discretion. Just like bending any rule, you assume the associated risks. 

Please bear in mind that Astro reserves the right to restrict or limit access to this free and charitable platform if we or our brand partners, detect any misuse or exploitation. Additionally, our brand partners retail the right to withhold credit reimbursement from any retailer found to be blatantly disregarding the program's guidelines. 

The only rule that is enforced by the programming in Astro is that a New Pet Owner cannot redeem more than one New Pet Adoption Bundle for the Same Species within 365 days.
  1. If a New Pet Owner adopts ( 2 ) dogs within the same year, they will only be able to receive ( 1 ) New Pet Dog Adoption Bundle at your store.
  2. But if a New Pet Owner adopts ( 1 ) dog and ( 1 ) cat within the same year, they will be able to redeem ( 1 ) New Pet Dog Adoption Bundle and ( 1 ) New Pet Cat Adoption Bundle
  3. Once a year has passed between a specific species' adoption, they will once again qualify to redeem a New Pet Adoption Bundle for that species. 

What is a Pet Adoption Bundle?

This is the really cool part! We have designed these programs in such a way that you can put together really cool Bundles of Free Goods for your customers!
At my store, we used to make New Puppy and New Kitten Bundles to help new pet owners cover both the essentials and the fun stuff in one purchase. I had so much fun putting these baskets of goodies together! They used to include food and treat samples along with some toys that the customer would purchase. But now you can go one step further, and rather than just stuffing New Pet Bundles/Baskets with samples, you can include Full-Size Products! 
  1. Pet Adoption Programs are categorized according to Category:
    -Cans/Wet Diets
    -Freeze-Dried/Raw Diets/Dehydrated
  2. Species: (Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Gerbil, Rat, Mouse, Guinea Pig).
  3. When you enroll in a Pet Adoption Program, it will tell you what Category/Species it falls under. For example, "Kibble - Dog," "Treat - Cat," "Rabbit - Supplies," and so on. 
  4. When a New Pet Owner is eligible to redeem a Pet Adoption Reward, they will be able to choose one free good from each Category/Species combo.
    1. For instance, if you enrolled in two different Dog Kibble Pet Adoption Programs, one for Monster Naturals and the other for Best Friend Dinners, then your customer will need to choose between the two brands, and most likely, they will need to choose a specific formula within their chosen brand. So they would end up with something like Monster Naturals Grain Free Beef rather than a bag of both Monster Naturals and Best Friend Dinners
    2. If you are enrolled in a Dog Kibble, Dog Treat, and Dog Toy Program, then the customer can choose to redeem an Adoption Bundle that consists of ( 1 ) Free Dog Kibble Item, ( 1 ) Free Dog Treat Item, and ( 1 ) Free Dog Toy Item.
      1. They also have the option to redeem for only ( 1 ) Free Dog Treat Item and ( 1 ) Free Dog Toy Item if they decide they do not want to partake in the free bag of food. 

Bounce Back Coupons

Several of the manufacturers who are publishing Adoption Programs would like to go one step further in helping you ensure that your New Pet Owner customer will return to your store once they have finished the free goods they took home. This is where Bounce Back Coupons come into play. 

A customer will not be able to redeem both the Adoption Program and the Bounce Back Coupon in the same transaction, they are going to have to come back to your store in order to redeem the Coupon. A Bounce Back Coupon earned at your store can only be redeemed at your store. 

When a New Pet Owner redeems an Adoption Program that has a Bounce Back Coupon associated with it, then they will be automatically emailed a Coupon that they can use at your store when they return. In most instances, a  Bounce Back Coupon will give the customer $off an item related to the Adoption Program Item they chose to redeem initially. 

Example of How a Bounce Back Coupon Works

  1. You have enrolled in a Monster Naturals Adoption Program for Dog Kibble at your store.
  2. In the Description of that Adoption Program, there is mention of a Bounce Back Coupon.
  3. You have a customer come in who tells you they adopted a new dog and need supplies. You tell them about the Adoption Bundles, and they choose the Monster Naturals Dog Kibble.
  4. When you redeem the Adoption Bundle, you are asked to enter the customer's email address.
  5. Once you have finished the transaction, the customer will receive an email from Astro that includes info about the Bounce Back Coupon. The customer will be told that in order to redeem this coupon, they must return to your store. 
  6. When the customer returns to your store, and you look up their Astro Pet Owner Account, you will see their pending coupon waiting for them.
  7. The Coupon will not become redeemable until you scan the item they are required to purchase. It works just like redeeming an MFG Sponsored Coupon
  8. If the item promoted in the Coupon is part of a Frequent Buyer Program, then they will also get a new punch (purchase credit) on their Frequent Buyer card.
  9. Now they are off and running and earning rewards at your store! Oh, happy day!

Still, have questions? Check out our FAQ Section Here.

Restricted Accounts will not be able to participate in the Adoption Bundles unless it is for the brand the account is restricted to. If you would like to activate your account to be able to participate in other Frequent Buyer brands and Adoption bundles, check out this article: Activating Your Astro Account

Join us for a Webinar on Sharing the Love!

On-Demand Webinar available. Use the form below to register and view the on-demand webinar.

Or, if YouTube is more your style, check out this video where we go over Sharing the Love and how to best promote it at your store.

In this webinar, we focus on the idea and intention behind "Sharing the Love". We visit the My Astro Webpage & the Astro Marketing Suite. We discuss best practices for "Sharing the Love" on your Social Media Pages - after all, Instagram is the heart of "Sharing the Love"! We provide instructions on how to use the Canva Template that was created by your Astro Marketing Team and inspired by one of our very own Rockstar Retailers! This template is for a New Pet Checklist that can be shared with new pet owners when they come into your store. And finally, we go over how to communicate with your Sharing the Love recipients via the Marketing Suite.

Find out more about Sharing the Love by visiting https://www.astroloyalty.com/adopt
Canva Template for New Pet Checklist. We go over how to use this template in both the YouTube video above and the on-demand webinar. Astro Marketing Webinar recorded September 9, 2021. Register for future Marketing Webinars here.