You are able to add any Image that you like to a My Promotion. We are adding several images to the Image Library that you will be able to easily download to your computer and upload to your My Promotion.
While editing or designing a new My Promotion you will notice a red button that says Choose Image From Library.
Clicking this button will take you directly to the Astro Library which is where the pre-designed Promo Images are housed. Scroll down until you locate them.

The Pre-Designed Promo Images are all Square (400x400 pixels) which is the shape and size that appears best on the Promo/Offer Element in Templates. They all have a Border and Text describing a Sale of some sort. They are all grouped together so when you find one, you will know you found all of them.
Once you have found an Image that you like all you need to do is click on it and it will be added to your My Promotion.
At this point you can click Save Promotion Only or Save and Quick Campaign.
- Save Promotion Only - This will save your My Promotion so you can return to it later and Edit it. You will also be able to add it to a Promo/Offer Element in an existing or new Template so you can include your My Promotion on a larger Campaign along with your Astro Offers and a written announcement.
- Save and Quick Campaign - This will immediately add your My Promotion to a Quick Campaign that is solely focused on your My Promotion so you can get its details out to your customers ASAP.

This method is only necessary if you want to edit one of the other Images you found in the Library in order to make it 400x400 pixels or add Text to it. We added a feature that will allow you to add a Pre-Designed Promo Image from the Astro Library to a My Promotion directly.
See the first section of this article for more details.
Locating the Image Library in the Marketing Suite
The Image Library is located within the Template section of your Marketing Suite.
To access select the Marketing menu on your Astro homescreen.
Then select Templates.
Then you will see the Image Library at the top left of your screen.
Downloading an Image from the Image Library
There are four sections of the Image Library
- MFG Program Library - Contains the Product Images that are associated with the Frequent Buyer and Offers Programs you are currently enrolled in. MFG/Vendors are able to add additional images to their programs that are only available to our Marketing Suite Members.
- MFG Logo Library - Contains the Brand Logos associated with the Frequent Buyer and Offers Programs you are currently enrolled in.
- Astro Library - These are the images that our marketing team uploads for your use. These are the same images that you will find saved on the Astro Templates. This is also where we have added several Images intended for Social Media Posts.
- My Library - This is where you can upload your own images so you can add them to your own Template. If you made your own image for a My Promotion you do not have to upload it here since you do not have to worry about making a template.
Astro Image Library
We are going to focus on the section called Astro Library.

The My Promotion Images will be square (400 pixels x 400 pixels), but if you see another rectangular image that you like you can edit it so it becomes a square (refer to the last section of this article for some tips on how to do that).
The Images that are intended for My Promotions will also have words or slogans on them so you can better differentiate them from the standard images added to the Astro Library for Templates.
This is the image I will be using as an example. Notice that it is currently a rectangle.
After following the directions above on how to find the Image Library you should find your self on the following screen.
The default Library tab will be MFG Program Library so you will need to click on the Astro Library to locate the images within it. (This page may take a moment or two to load, it all depends on how many images we have saved there).
Now you can start scrolling down until you find the image that you want.
Once you have found an image you like all you need to do is right-click on it and select Save Image as... to download it. Yup, that's it.
Upon selecting Save Image as... you will see an image similar to this one.

I am using a laptop with Microsoft Windows installed, if you are using a Mac or Apple computer your screen will look a bit different.
Naming the Image
The image will be given a default name of "display_image", highlight that name and give it your own name. This will make the image easier to find later.
Choosing the Folder
Before you Save, refer to what folder it will be adding it to. My laptop will either default to adding images to Pictures or Downloads. At this point you can select the folder the you want the item to be saved under, this will also help you find it easier later.
Now that you know the name of your new image and what folder you are adding it to you can select Save.
Using Microsoft Paint to Edit an Image

I chose Microsoft Paint since this is the software I believe the majority of us have access to, but most image editing software pieces will have similar functions that will allow you to edit the size and add text.
Start by opening your saved Image in Microsoft Paint. Now you should see the Image's current dimensions at the bottom of the page.
In this case the Vertical dimension, 426 pixels, is close to our end goal, 400 pixels. So I am going to start by editing that Vertical dimension to 400. This is done by clicking Resize, then selecting Pixels, then typing 400 into the field that is closest to 400 (in this case it was the Vertical dimension, but in other instances you may find it's the Horizontal dimension). Then click OK.
Now you can start cropping the Image so the Horizontal (or opposing dimension) is 400. This is done by mousing over the little little squares located midway between the corners until you see a double-arrow, then drag that double arrow towards the center of the Image. While you are doing this pay attention to your numbers at the bottom of the page.
Keep dragging the your cursor until the numbers at the bottom are 400x400.

Now you can add a new border using the Square. Select it, then place your cursor at the top left-hand corner of your image, then click and hold while you drag your cursor to the bottom right-hand corner. This should place whatever color border you chose around the image.
Then if you like you can click the Text tool and then click anywhere on your Image to add a text box, then start typing. You will be able to adjust the font, the font size, the color, and drag your text box around the Image until you have it placed where you want. Then Ctrl+S or click File and Save.
Now let's go find your My Promotions. Go to your Offers menu and select My Promotions.
From here you can either create a New My Promotion, or you can edit an existing one. In this case I selected New Promotion to start from scratch and make a new one. I then proceeded to fill in the text fields with some additional info about the promotion I am running.
Title - Make this as to the point as possible while still providing the important details.
Description - Here you can get into more detail. What is this promotion for? What items are included? Add some personal touches or store favorites.
Start & End Date - Promotions are designed to run for specific periods of time to keep customers excited about new things and checking back for new promotions. Choose your start date and end date and add them here. You can choose your start date to be in the future.
Upload Image - Here is where you will add the image you just collected. Click where it says Choose File.
This will open up your file folders containing the docs you have saved on your computer. The key here is remembering where you saved the image you downloaded earlier. You may need to select the appropriate folder then scroll through until you find the image. If you remember exactly where it is you can select the folder then start typing in the name of the image you are looking for. Once you found it and have it selected at the bottom beside File Name, you can click Open.
Now the image is saved to your My Promotion. From here you can either continue on and make your Campaign and alert your customers by selecting Save and Quick Campaign, or you can Save Promotion Only so you can return to it later and edit it before adding it to a Campaign.
Beside your Promotion, to the right, you will see a barcode below the Status. Clicking on that barcode will expand it, just like you see in the image below. You can print this barcode to keep beside your register just in case you have a customer that is unable to locate the email or push notification you sent them.
If you change your mind while editing a Template you can replace the image that you originally added to your My Promotion with another image located in one of the four Libraries.
After you add your My Promotion to a Promotion/Offer Element in a Template you are able to click on the picture you originally chose which will grant you access to those four image Libraries. Then you can select a different image.
I went ahead and added the My Promotion we just created to a Promo/Offer Element on a Template that I was editing. There is is on the left.
I then clicked on the picture to open up that picture's details. In doing so I also opened up the Libraries. Now if I wanted to I could replace the original picture that I chose with an image I found in one of the Libraries. Doing so will only change how the My Promotion appears in the Template, it will not change the original picture that was added to the My Promotion itself.

Make sure to only choose square images since only square images will look right in this format.
For more details on how to edit or design your own Template checkout the following articles.
These links will take you directly to the section on how to use Promo/Offer Elements on Templates.