Astro Loyalty Marketing Suite | My Media Image Library

My Media | Image Library | Marketing Suite

This Library contains customizable Tags/Filters that will help you categorize and organize your personal image library!

Custom Filters | My Media

This is the coolest feature of the My Media folder! With this tool, you have the ability to create and use Custom Filters which will help you organize your images so they can be found quickly while creating campaigns. 
  1. You can assign more than one filter to a single image.
    1. i.e. You have a custom filter for "Dog" and one for "Cat" and you uploaded a picture with both a dog and cat in it. You can assign both "Dog" and "Cat" to that picture.
  2. You can apply more than one filter to the search drop-down.
    1. i.e. You are looking for a picture of both a "Cat" and a "Dog". Both filters can be applied to the search and it will only show you images that have both of those custom filters assigned to it. (If you have no images with both assigned it will show you nothing.)
  3. Filters can be Archived if they are no longer being used.
    1. When a filter is archived it cannot be assigned to any new images (but it will remain assigned to whatever images it was assigned to previously). And it will no longer show up on your Custom Filter drop-down menu.
      1. i.e. If you create a filter for "Halloween", you can archive it once Halloween has passed so it's no longer taking up space in your drop-down menu. Then when Halloween returns you can turn it back on.
  4. Filters can be Edited
    1. i.e. You made a filter called "Rescues" but decide you want to rename it "Adoption Event"
  5. Filters cannot be Deleted
  6. Filters can be assigned to images that were previously uploaded to your My Media.
    1. Click on the red Pencil Icon on your My Media image in order to assign a Customer Filter/s to it.
IdeaTIP: New Custom Filters can be made while you are uploading a new image, but we find it is best to make the filter/s you intend to use before uploading an image. 

Add/Edit Custom Filters | My Media

When setting up your My Media Library the first thing we recommend doing is making yourself a custom filter to start.

If you already have images saved in your My Media refer to them when picking a name for your Filter. When in doubt, start off with one or two simple filters such as: "Cat" "Dog" "Self Wash" "Adopt/Rescue".

Start by clicking the red Add/Edit Custom Filters button.

This will take you into your Image Library Custom Filters list. Click the red Add Custom Filter button.

Type the name of your desired Filter into the provided field and click + Add Filter.

This will take you back to your Image Library Custom Filters list. Click the red Back arrow to exit the Add/Edit list.

Now you can assign your new filter to existing My Media images and future images uploaded to My Media.

Edit Image Details | My Media

Click the red pencil icon above an image to access Edit Image.

From here you can add/edit an Image Title and assign an Image Filter (or multiple Image Filters if applicable). You also have the option to Favorite the image, doing so will cause the image to appear at the top of your My Media page. When finished click Save Image.

You are able to Edit/Add Custom Filters while Editing an Image. Click the red Edit/Add Custom Filters button and add the filter you need. Then click the red Back Arrow to return to the Edit Image view. Now you can select your newly created filter from the Image Filters list!

Upload an Image to My Media

There are a couple of things to consider before uploading an image to My Media.
  1. Can I use that picture without upsetting any copywrite or ownership laws?
  2. Is the image saved to my computer?
  3. Do I need to make a New Custom Filter for it before I upload?

Can I Use That Picture?

What constitutes whether or not you can use an image in a campaign?
Before you upload an image to My Media make sure you either:
  1. Own the Image 
    1. you took the picture
    2. you designed the image using editing software like photoshop or Canva
  2. Own the Rights to the Image
    1. you purchased the download from a site like Depositphotos
    2. you downloaded the image from a free-to-use site like Pixabay or Pexels
  3. Downloaded the Image from another section of the Astro Image Library
    1. Astro owns the rights to all of it's Image Library images and therefore you do as well!
Do not upload images to My Media that you downloaded randomly from the internet. Most images that exist on the internet are owned by the people or corporations who have published them. If you are not sure whether you can use an image in your campaign check out the flowchart below. (View full article from which the flowchart was found here, additional resource here.)
In order to upload an image to My Media it must first be saved to your computer.
IdeaTIP: Before you upload a new image look and see if you have a Custom Filter that will work for it. If you decided you want to add a new custom filter for your image create that filter before clicking the Choose File button on the Upload Image pop-up.

Click the red Upload Image button. 

Click the Choose Image button below Image File and locate and select the image from your computer folder and click Open

Now rather than "No file chosen" you will see the name of your file beside the Choose File button.

Continue filling in the rest of the image details: Image TitleImage Filter/sFavorite Image (optional), and check the box beside the statement saying that the image belongs to you. When finished click Save Image.

Applying Filters to My Media to Search

Select the filter you wish to apply to your My Media from the Custom Filters drop-down menu. Once you have your desired filter selected click the red + Add Filter button located beside the drop-down. 

Now you will see the filter you applied above the Custom Filters drop-down menu and all images that you have assigned this filter to will be below.

IdeaTIP: A single search can be narrowed by applying multiple filters.
A Single Search with One Filter Applied
The same Single Search with 2 Filters Applied

An individual filter can be removed from a search by clicking the beside it. All applied filters can be removed from the search by clicking the X Remove All Filters button.

Removing an Image from My Media

There are a couple of ways to remove an image from My Media - Permanently or Temporarily using your Filters.

Permanently Delete an Image from My Media

Click the red X above the image. After doing so you will see a pop-up to ask you if you are sure you wish to "Hide the image". You will need to select OK to commit to the removal. There is no way to recover the image after this is done.

Archive Images using Custom Filters in My Media

You can create a very specific Custom Filter for a Holiday or Event. Then assign that filter to the images that you only plan on using around that event/holidays time period. Once the holiday or event has passed you can click Add/Edit Custom Filters and Archive the corresponding Filter. (Click the filing cabinet icon or click the pencil to edit the filter). 

This will remove that filter from the Custom Filter drop-down menus so it cannot be used in a search or assigned to new images. The images that were assigned to that filter will still exist in your My Media - but they will not get in your way as long as you apply your Active filters when searching for images.

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