Here, you will find exclusive high-value Astro Coupons created specifically for you and your pet that are sponsored by the brands you love and are only redeemable at your chosen neighborhood pet shop.
Astro Coupons are issued based on the loyalty purchases and redemptions you’ve made at your local pet shop.
Some coupons are designed to introduce your pet to new products from a brand they already love - such as a free or discounted topper to add to the freeze-dried nuggets you regularly purchase for your pet.
Some of our most commonly issued Coupons are called Bounce Back Coupons. These are issued to Astro’s ‘Sharing The Love’ Adoption Bundle recipients and are designed to offer adopted pets additional discounts on the same or similar items they just sampled in their free Adoption Bundle.
The My Coupons section may not show on the mobile app if there are no Coupons available.
1. If you haven't already, download the Astro Loyalty Mobile app to access your Frequent Buyer information.
You must have an email associated with your Astro Loyalty Pet Owner account in order to use the Astro Loyalty Mobile App. Contact your local Astro Pet Retailer to make sure your account has your email linked.
2. Click on My Coupons.
3. If you have a Coupon available to you, it will show here. To claim your reward, all you need to do is show up at the location mentioned on the coupon before the noted expiration date.
Due to the exclusive nature, the high value of the rewards offered, and their limited-time availability, we cannot stress enough how important it is to regularly check your My Coupons menu — especially if you recently redeemed a ‘Sharing The Love’ Adoption Reward Bundle. After all, you don’t want your new best friend to miss out on more goodies from their neighborhood pet shop!
1. If you haven't already, download the Astro Loyalty Mobile app to access your Frequent Buyer information. Android: iOS: ...
Visit the My Account menu to review and make changes to your Pet Owner Account. It's a good idea to check with your neighborhood pet shop to get more information about what types of communications they send via each delivery channel. Some pet shops ...
The Notifications menu will contain all App Notifications sent to you by your neighborhood pet shop. You can expect to receive notifications with information regarding upcoming and current sales of your favorite brands and products, as well as ...
Here's where you can personalize your experience by adding your pets' information. This feature allows for a tailored experience for your furry friends. 1. If you haven't already, download the Astro Loyalty Mobile app to access your Frequent Buyer ...
Here you will see Offers and special promotions currently available at your neighborhood pet retailer. 1. If you haven't already, download the Astro Loyalty Mobile app to access your Frequent Buyer information. Android: ...