There are 2 main categories of Campaigns on Astro: Templated Campaigns & Simple Campaigns. The main differences between these two types is one Campaign utilizes a Template to carry the contents of your message and it can be shared with your customers via multiple delivery methods; whereas Simple Campaigns lack templates and can only be shared via one delivery method.
There are 3 types of Templated Campaigns available on your Marketing Suite: Multi-Media Templated Campaigns, Quick Offer Campaigns, and Quick My Promotion Campaigns.
What is a Campaign?
Marketing campaigns are organized, strategized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as raising awareness of a new product or encouraging customer loyalty. They typically aim to reach consumers in a variety of ways and involve a combination of media, including but not limited to email, mobile app push notifications, SMS text messaging, and social media.
Templated Campaigns
- Comprised of a Template which contains content contained in editable Elements
- An Element is a tool used to add content to a Template. Elements can contain Images, Text, Hyperlinks, Clickable Images, Astro Offers, My Promotions, Offer Flyer Button Links, Adoption Program Flyer Links.
- Multiple Delivery Methods
- Email
- SMS Text Message
- App Notification
- Post to Facebook Timeline
- One or multiple delivery methods can be selected for a single campaign.
- Accessible from your Marketing Dashboard via Campaigns > Template Campaigns
- Create your own Template with multiple Elements, or import and edit a pre-formatted Astro Template.
- This is the preferred Campaign to send to large groups of your customers, or to All Pet Owners since it can contain a collection of Elements and therefore showcase multiple Offers.
Template Campaign Dashboard
To access this page click Campaigns from your Marketing Dashboard then select Template Campaigns from the list of Campaign options.
Below your button you will see where your current and future Template Campaigns will collect. The details of each drafted, sent, and queuing Template Campaign will be shown under Campaign Subject, Recipients, Impressions, and Actions.
Campaign Subject
In bold you will see the Campaign Name that you assigned to your Campaign.
Below the Campaign Name, in a green font, you will see the Date the Campaign was first Created. Beside this date it will show the Delivery Status of the Campaign.
- Draft - The Campaign has not yet been queued to send. You, or a team member, may still be tweaking it or are not planning to send it until a specific date (automation coming soon!)
- Queued - The Campaign is in the process of being delivered to the customers on your Recipient List. Once the que is complete it will show a Sent status. (Refresh your browser after a moment and you should see that its been fully sent.)
- Sent - The queuing process is complete and the Campaign has been delivered to all customers on your Recipient List with good contact info.
Below the Date and Delivery Status you will see a snippet from the first paragraph of your Template. This should further help you identify the Campaign if your Campaign Name isn't clear.
Post to Facebook Button
Beside Total you will see the total number of Recipients that were Sent your Campaign.
This does not reflect the number of customers that were unable to receive the communication due to bad contact info. This will be reflected under Impressions.
Below the Total you will see a breakdown of how your Campaign was delivered and the number of customers who were Sent each type of communication method: Email, SMS Text Message, App/Push Notification.
Here you will see the number and the percentage (related to the total number of recipients the campaign was sent to) of customers who Viewed the message, Unsubscribed, and Redeemed the offer. To see specifically who performed each action described, click on the red number beside Total.
This will open a pop-up that includes all gathered impressions and their numerical totals. To review the specific customers on each list, click on one of the sections: Delivered | Undelivered | Viewed | Unsubscribed | Redeemed.
Delivered - This number reflects all of the communications that were able to be delivered.
Undelivered - If a message was unable to be delivered to a recipient they will appear on this list. Since Multi-Media Campaigns can be delivered multiple ways, the bounce could be a result of a bad email address or phone number. Or their inbox is configured to block emails sent from those not on their contact list. Mobile App communications do not bounce.
It is up to you how you choose to manage this. Options include:
- Add a Note to the Pet Owner account. (If you do not have Notes enabled, reach out to us at
- Use a Custom Tag called "Bounced" (or similar) and assign it to the Pet Owner account.
- Remove the bad email or phone number from the pet owner account so the cashier can prompt them for it the next time they stop by. Before removing an email address, first check and see whether they are using the Astro Mobile App since it is possible to use the app even if the email address is no longer active.
Viewed - These are all of the customers who opened the communication.
Unsubscribed - All campaigns sent via Astro have a link allowing customers to unsubscribe. This is a legal requirement. If a customer unsubscribes there is no way for you or Astro to re-subscribe them. The only way for them to resubscribe to email or phone messages is via the Astro Mobile App. First they will need to log into the mobile app using the email address that is saved on their account. Then go to the My Account section and flip the toggle switch beside Email Opt In or SMS Opt In.
Redeemed - Impressions will only be collected here if you sent a Multi-Media Template Campaign that contains
Offer/Promo Elements or a
Quick Campaign for a
My Promotion or
Astro Offer. Only the
Single and
Multiple Promo/Offer Elements will contribute to this impression, not the Flyer Link. If you send a template that contains more than one Offer or Promotion, impressions will only tell you that the customers redeemed an Offer/Promo, not the specific Offer/s Promo/s they redeemed.
You can View the message, Clone campaign, or Archive the campaign.
Campaign Setup: Quick Overview
When creating a New Template Campaign, you will be taken to Template Campaign Setup Step 1.
Template Campaign Setup Step 1
On this page you will be Naming your Campaign and adding a Recipient List. Based on the recipient list you select, your customers will show on the right along with how they will be receiving your Campaign.
Then you can check your Method/s of Delivery. There are 3 options; Email, App Notification, SMS Text, Post to Facebook. You can customize the Subject Line for each delivery method chosen.
Choosing a Template
Astro will now take you to the Template Library where you can choose one of your pre-edited My Templates or select an Astro Template to import to the Template Editor.
Template Customization
Templates can be easily customized and edited to suit your needs. This video will give you the Basics. Check out
Editing a Template for a deep-dive into how to use/edit/format each style and type of Element.
More information on Templates:
Template Campaign Setup Step 2:
Upon returning to Template Campaign Setup Step 2 you will be able to review your Template, edit your default Footer if needed, and send yourself a Preview of the full Campaign.
When ready you can choose to Save & Queue for Sending to send your Campaign, or Save as a Draft to return to later to either edit or send.
If Post to Facebook was chosen as a Delivery Method on Step 1 you will now see a pop-up to help you generate your Facebook post. Select a thick rectangular image from the drop-down (this will serve as your Post Title Image) and type a Subject Line. Then save and click the Share button. At this point you will be taken into Facebook where you can add your Message, #hashtags, @tags, and Post.
Here are detailed articles on how to create different Campaigns: