How to Send Multi-Media Campaign | Marketing Suite

How to Send Multi-Media Campaign | Marketing Suite

How to Send Multi-Media Campaign:

1. Go to to the Marketing Suite and select Campaigns.

2. Select 'Template Creator'. 

3. Select 'New Template Campaign'.

Template Campaign Setup Step 1

4. Enter in a Campaign Title. 

5. Select your Recipient List. It will default to 'All Pet Owners.' If you are a Multi-location account you can select to send to the customers at All Locations or just customers at a particular location. 
If you want to create a targeted list of customers, you can select 'Open List Generator.'  Check out this article:  
Lists | How to Generate Customer Lists | Marketing Suite

6. Choose the Communication Type. You can send an Email, App Notification, SMS Text and/or Post to Facebook. 

7.  Enter the From Email and the Subject. If you selected App Notification or SMS Text, you can enter in Subjects for each of these as well. 

8. Schedule Campaign - Choose whether you want the campaign to go out right away or at a later time. 
If you would like your campaign to go out immediately, select "Send Campaign Now".

If you would like to select a specific time for the campaign to go out, select 'Send Campaign Later", and then choose your Date, Time, and Timezone

9. Select Continue to Step 2 if everything looks correct. 

10. Confirm the Subjects.

11. Select a Template. If you have already created a Template it will show at the top under "My Templates'. You can also choose any of the pre-made templates below and edit those. In this example we will choose a template we have already made. 
To learn how to make templates, check out this article: 
Editing a Template | Marketing Suite

12. Confirm Template. 

Template Campaign Setup Step 2

If you need to make any changes to the template before sending, select 'Edit Selected Template' or  you can select 'Different Templates' if you need to use a new template.

If you select 'Edit Template Footer' this will change the information shown at the bottom of the Campaign Template. You can enter in your Company Name and Address, Social Media links, and a Contact Email. 

You can also send a preview to yourself, so you can see how the campaign looks before sending it to your customers. Select 'Send Preview' and enter in the email you would like the preview to be sent to. If you selected 'SMS Text' in the previous step, you will also see an option send an SMS Text Preview.

13. If you are satisfied with your Campaign, select 'Send and Queue for Sending'.

14. Confirm to send Campaign. You can also 'Save as Draft' or go 'Back to Step 2' if you are not ready to send the Campaign. 

This will then take you back to the Template Campaign page and will see that your Campaign has been Queued for sending. Here you will see any previous Campaigns that you have sent or if you have any drafts. 

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