How to Split One Program Card into Multiple Cards | Drag & Drop

How to Split One Program Card into Multiple Cards | Drag & Drop

There may be times that you want to add a second card within the same program.

  • Customers routinely buy a more expensive recipe and a less expensive recipe. If the program card they are adding these items to is Lesser or Equal Value Free (if this rule applies it will be stated on the digital card) they would only be eligible to receive the lesser valued bag for free. If the customer wants to be able to get a bag of the more expensive item for free then the items will need to track on their own cards. 
  • If the program allows for the mixing of All Formulas & All Weights, and a customer wants to track their Small Bags separate from their Large Bags. Most programs that allow for the mixing of all formulas and weights are Least Value Free, and customers would only be eligible to receive the least valued bag for free which would most likely be the small bag. If they want to be able to earn a free small bag and a free large bag you will need to split their card so the items track separately. 

Splitting of cards is a useful practice only if the majority of your customers are happy with the program as it is written, and only a minority of your customers want their items tracked separately. If you find that a majority of your customers are asking you to split up their items onto multiple cards it may be easier to put you into a new program. Keep in mind though, if we move you from a Mixed Program to lets say a Same Size Free Program, your customers will no longer be able to mix Small Bags with Large Bags. 

How to Split a Program Card into Multiple Cards

Step One:

From the menu bar, go to Check Out. Type in your customers name and select your customer as you normally do. Scan the customer's purchases. 

In order to split a program card there must be at least 2 transactions, or punches, on that card. To initially create the split you will need to click on punch (2) or higher. Clicking on punch (1) will only present you with the option to remove the transaction.

This Customer wants to track Orijen and Acana separately.

Step Two:

Click on punch (2) or higher. This will create the Transaction Options pop-up. Select Create New Card from the list of options.

Select Create New Card from the Transaction Options pop-up

Step Three:

Now you will see two of the same program card. In this case, we have two Champion Pet Food Dog Large cards. Expand the Details on both of the cards so you can see the transactions. One card contains the Acana transaction while the other card contains the Orijen transaction. To be able to tell them apart at a glance you will need to add a note to the cards. Select Edit Notes and label your cards appropriately. 
The notes will appear beneath the card.

From now on you can add items to the separated cards one of two ways.

  1. Astro should be able to tell the difference and add the item to the correct card if the item is scanned or added using the drop-down filter menus below the search bar. You can make sure of this by expanding the details on the card. If the item was placed on the "wrong" card you can drag & drop it to the appropriate card. I will say that 99% of the time Astro will know onto which of the split cards to place the scanned transaction, but it is still recommended that you check and confirm.
  2. You can add the item to the separated cards directly by clicking on the next available empty punch slot on that card and selecting the item from the drop-down menu. 

How to Drag & Drop Transactions From One Card to Another

What do you do if the customer already had a mixed card and they want to split it, or if an item was placed on the "wrong" card when scanning? Astro will allow you to drag a green check from one program card to another as long as that item is permitted on the card you are moving it to. 

Astro will not let you drag a green check from one card to another if that item is not permitted on the card you are moving it to. For instance, you cannot move a transaction from a Champion Card to a Fromm Card, and you cannot move a Champion Pet Food Dog Large transaction to a Champion Pet Food Cat Small card.

Step One:

Expand the Details on the card containing the mixture of transactions. When you hover your cursor over the green check you will see the transaction it corresponds to. Find the transaction you wish to move. In this case, we are moving the Orijen transactions to the Orijen card we just created.

Step Two:

Move the pointer/cursor to the Green Check corresponding to the transaction you wish to move. Press, and hold down, the button on the mouse or other pointing device, to "grab" the Green Check. "Drag" the Green Check to the desired card by moving the pointer/cursor from the original card to the one you wish to move the Green Check to. "Drop" the Green Check onto the next empty punch slot on the other card by releasing the button on your mouse.

The transaction being dragged will be highlighted in purple.

If at first you fail, try try again. This can be a little trickier on tablets and devices with smaller screens.  If it continuously does not work make sure that you are dragging the transaction to a card that it qualifies for. If you need help contact and we can move the transactions for you. 

If your customer decides later that they want to recombine their cards you can do so by dragging and dropping all transactions from one card to the other. When the last transaction is moved the duplicate card will disappear. 

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