How to Enable eTail Integration | eTail Pet ECOMMERCE

How to Enable eTail Integration | eTail Pet ECOMMERCE

Before you can use Ecommerce, you will need to have the integration enabled on Astro. To do this, please reach out to and request the API to be enabled for Ecommerce. If you already have Sellit! Plus enabled, you can skip this part.

Store Configuration Setup:

If you have one location or multiple ones you can set up the login information per location, follow these steps. 

1. Go to Settings in our POS. 

2. Select Stores. 

3. Edit the Store information.
You can add stores if you have multiple locations and each one can then be linked to their Astro accounts as well. 

4. Scroll down to the Third Party Integration section and check the box for Astro Loyalty. 

5. Enter in your Astro username and password. 

6. Scroll down and Save. 

Repeat these steps if you have multiple locations. You'll be able to add their Astro login information per store. 

7. Reach out to our Support team at, so that we can enable the integration on your Astro account as well. 

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