Astro allows you to customize the mobile app with your logo and color scheme. By default the mobile app is branded to with the Astro Logo and colors but you can modify by following the directions below.
Customizing your Free Consumer Mobile App
1. As an Admin User, go to Actions and click Mobile App Customization.
2. Once under Mobile App Customization you will see the following screen.
App Status - Here you can Enable or Disable your App. It's default setting is enabled, so as long as your customers' have an email address associated with their Astro Pet Owner account on your Astro Retailer Account then they can access your App. If you Disable the App then all of your customers will loose that access.
Top Banner and Menu:
- Banner/Menu Color - Changes the color of the top header area

- Top Icon Color - Changes the menu icon color

- Change Top Logo - You can upload your own logo to show at the top. The image needs to be a .JPG or .PNG file
- Open Menu Button - This will pull up the menu options the customer will see on their end.

- Close Menu Button - This will take you back to the initial screen without the menu options
- Display Name - Enter in your Store Name. If you have more than one store on your Astro account you will need to choose one Display Name to represent all of your locations. You can also choose to remove the Display Name entirely by leaving that field blank.
- Menu Icon Color - Changed the Icon menu colors

- Menu Text Color - Changes the text colors of the menu options

On the wheel there is a pin-point that you can drag around with your mouse to find the spectrum of color you had in mind. (The very center of the wheel is white/grey/black depending on how much shade you apply with the slide bar.) Then you can use the slide on the bar beside the wheel to adjust the shade of the pinned color. The bar to the very right will show you the final spectrum/shade of your color that will be applied to that specific section of your App. As you alter the color you will notice the color # code change. Once you are happy with your color click Save & Preview to see what it looks like on the App. Then you can move onto the next section to alter its color.
TIP: If you like any of the colors you already made for another section just copy it's # color code onto the other section's text field and click Save & Preview. For example, the shade of brown that is currently selected for the Top Icon Color on the example above is #776138. So if you also wanted the Menu Icon Color to be the same shade of brown change the Menu Icon Color from #d0ab52 to #776138.
If you see a red X beside this area and a red box around Contact information yours has not been setup yet.
3. Click where it says Contact Information Menu Item Setup.
4. Now you can add your primary Support Email - this is the email address that you would prefer your customers contact you via. If you do not have one leave that field blank.
On the left you will see the information that your customers will see. If this information is correct check the box beside Contact Information under Support Email. If that information is incorrect click the red buttons that says Account Management.

If you wish to hide your Location Information click the box or boxes (if you have more than one location on your account) beside Hide Location on the left of the page beside the location address/info you wish to hide. If you have more than one Location in Astro you will see all locations listed on the left as you scroll down.
4. Once you have finished editing your Contact Information and checking the appropriate boxes, make sure to click Save & Preview to save your details.
Once you are happy with all of your edits you can publish your new App! To do so click Publish Settings.

You can always return to Mobile App Customization to alter your Apps appearance. Just make sure to Publish Settings once you are finished. Your customer's who have already downloaded the App will now see your customized version.

You can undo ALL of your changes and start over by selecting Reset Settings. But be careful, it won't just undo your last change, instead it will revert your App back to the original Astro default version and you will need to start over.
QR Code:
You can download a QR Code that your customer's can scan in order to download the mobile app. Click the Generate Mobile App QR Code button.
You'll be able to download the QR image or Print it out.