Frequent Buyer Participation Report | Retailer Reports Menu

Frequent Buyer Participation Report | Retailer Reports Menu

The Frequent Buyer Participation report will show you show you Today's data, and you can filter your data by Manufacturer, Locations (if you have more than one) and date (Today, Yesterday, Custom Range). Cards Punched, Items Sold and Rewards Earned all have numeral links that you can click on to expand the details of the report for that category.  

Frequent Buyer Participation Report:

1. Go to your Reports Menu as an Admin user. 

2. Select Astro Frequent Buyer Participation.

3. Here you can see customer participation in specific Frequent Buyers. We will go over what each of the columns represents. 

  1. MFG Name: This is the Brand name that the Frequent Buyer is listed under. 
  2. Program: This is the name of the Frequent Buyer. 
  3. Unique Customers: This number means how many individual customers participated. If a customer participated more than once in that Frequent Buyer, they only qualify as 1 Unique Customer. 
  4. Cards Punched: This number is how many cards have been punched. If a customer has 2 punches on the same card, it will only count as 1 card punched on the report. 
  5. Items Sold: This number show how many items listed in that Frequent Buyer you have sold to your customers. 
  6. Rewards Earned: This means how many customers have earned enough to qualify for a Reward. 
  7. Rewards Redeemed: This means how many rewards were redeemed  for that Frequent Buyer. 

Cards Punched:

If you click on the number in this column, you will see the Customer's Name, Card Information, and Card Status. If you hover your mouse cursor over a check mark punch, it will tell you the item information.

Items Sold:

If you click on the number in this column, you will see a list of which items from that Frequent Buyer you have sold to your customers. It will state the Customer's Name, Purchase Date, Item UPC, Item Description, and the Item Quantity. 

Rewards Earned:

If you click on the number in this column, you will see which customers have earned rewards and if any have been redeemed. It will state the Customer's Name, Item Code of the Redeemed Item, Item Description of the Redeemed Item, Item Quantity, Earned on Date, and Redeemed on Date. 

Not Yet Selected, means that the redemption reward has not been chosen for the customer yet.
If the Redeemed On column doesn't show a date, that means the Frequent Buyer was not redeemed on the customer's account. 

Related Information:

If you still need assistance, please contact our Support Team at

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