FAQs | Sharing the Love Pet Adoption Programs

FAQs | Sharing the Love Pet Adoption Programs

Adoption Program FAQs

1. What qualifies as an Adopted Pet, and what is the time frame for redemption?

 Eligible Adopted Pets:

  1. Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Chinchilla, Hamster, Guinea Pig, Rat, Mouse, Gerbil
  2. More species may be added as new programs launch.

🕒 Time Frame:

🔹 An Adoption Bundle can only be redeemed within 60-days of a pet's adoption date.

🏡 Eligible Adoption Sources:

  1. A Shelter or 501(c)(3) Rescue
  2. A life as a stray (once a required stray hold is performed)
  3. Another home (these are pets that are re-homed rather than being sent to a shelter, not pets that are purchased from a breeder)
We ask that you use your best judgment in the spirit of this great promotion, and with thanks to the brands funding the Adoption Bundles.

2. What if a new pet owner adopts more than one pet within a short time frame?

A New Pet Owner can only redeem one Adoption Bundle per species (dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig) every 365 days.

If a New Pet Owner adopts a bonded pair (e.g., two rabbits), they will share one Rabbit Adoption Bundle.

❌ A New Pet Owner cannot redeem more than one Adoption Bundle for the Same Species within 365 days of redemption.
  1. If a customer redeems a Dog Adoption Bundle on Oct 1st, 2022, they cannot redeem another Dog Adoption Bundle until Oct 1st, 2023.

3. How long will the programs be available? Do they expire?

Each brand participates for an undetermined period. Programs are available while supplies last, determined by each brand.
If a brand maxes out their budget, they may unpublish their program, and you will be notified.

🔹 Since multiple options exist for each Category (with more coming), rotating brands can help maintain a steady offering.

Keep in mind:
  1. Astro Loyalty reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this platform, adjust eligibility requirements, or suspend retailer participation to protect the integrity of the program.
  2. Participating brands reserve the right to remove a retailer’s access to their program if fraud is suspected.
Expect further expansion and clarification as the platform grows.

4. How do I find the Adoption Programs to Enroll?

Under the Astro Offers menu, you will see Available Pet Adoption Programs. Click a program to view the details and Enroll. More info here.

5. Where do my Adoption Programs go after I Enroll?

Under the Astro Offers menu, you will see Enrolled Pet Adoption Programs. From here, you can Unenroll from a program or edit the distributor with whom you are enrolled. More info here

6. What can I include in an Astro Adoption Bundle?

The Adoption Programs are grouped into specific Categories:

  • Kibble/Dry Diets

  • Cans/Wet Diets

  • Freeze-Dried Raw/Frozen Raw/Dehydrated Diets

  • Hay

  • Treats

  • Supplements

  • Supplies

🔹 A New Pet Owner can redeem ONE product from each Category to build their Bundle.

Depending on the Adoption Programs you are enrolled in, you may have all Categories represented or only some. You may also have multiple Brand options in a Category or just one. 

When you Redeem an Adoption Bundle for a Customer under Checkout, Astro will allow you to select one item per Category based on your enrollments.

You can also select No Free Item From this Category if the customer is not interested in the available options.

More info on the Redemption Process here.

Adoption Bundle Guidelines & Best Practices

The Astro Adoption platform is dynamic—Categories may be added, consolidated, or reorganized as new programs are introduced. Currently, each Adoption Bundle allows for up to six redeemable Categories, but to ensure the best experience for both retailers and pet owners, we strongly recommend implementing a "Build a Better Bowl" approach.
Rather than redeeming all six available Categories, consider curating a Bundle with three thoughtfully selected items that best align with the pet owner's needs. You can omit Categories by selecting the "No Free Item From this Category"option during redemption.

Recommended Adoption Bundle Structure
  1. Base Diet: Kibble or Raw or Wet
  2. Topper/Mix-In: Wet or Raw or Supplement
  3. Extra: Treat or Supplement or Supply
Examples of Thoughtfully Curated Bundles:
  1. Kibble / Can / Treat
  2. Raw / Supplement / Treat
  3. Wet / Raw / Supplement
  4. Wet / Supplement / Supply
  5. Kibble / Raw (Freeze-Dried) / Supplement
  6. And so on…

The Key to Success: Thoughtful Product Pairing

The goal of an Adoption Bundle is to introduce pet owners to products they genuinely want to continue purchasing—not simply to give away free products. A well-matched Bundle creates lasting customers, while a mismatched one risks being forgotten.
For example, if a new cat owner is excited about feeding raw, there’s no reason to also include kibble and wet food in their Bundle—those products won’t align with their feeding goals. Instead, focus on a Raw / Supplement / Treat Bundle to reinforce their interest and encourage repeat visits.

Think of it this way: If you were personally funding these Bundles, would you want to give away items that won’t be used? Probably not. Approach these Bundles with the same mindset. Your recommendations should be a reflection of what the customer is truly excited about, ensuring they return to your store to continue their pet’s nutrition journey.

By using this matchmaking approach, you’ll turn Adoption Bundle recipients into loyal, long-term customers.

7. Can I enroll in more than one brand per Category?

Yes! You can enroll in as many Brands as are available, but you can only give away one product per Category per Adopted Pet.
This allows you to provide Pet Parents of recently adopted pets, with a choice—they can select up to one Brand/Product for each Category.


TIP: Thoughtful Curation Over Quantity

Just because a pet owner can redeem a Bundle with up to six items doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for them or their pet. The purpose of this platform is to match new pet owners with products that truly fit their pet’s needs and their lifestyle.

For example:
  1. If a pet owner shows no interest in supplements, giving them one just because it’s available won’t benefit their pet—especially if they’re unlikely to use it.
  2. If they’re committed to feeding exclusively raw, it doesn’t make sense to send them home with raw, kibble, and wet food. Instead, guide them toward a thoughtful selection, like a bag of raw, a treat, and a supplement they’re excited about.
The key is to help them build a Bundle of products they’ll actually use, setting them (and their pet) up for success while increasing the chances they’ll return to your store for more.

8. Where do I record the pet's adoption qualifications?

While redeeming the Bundle under Checkout, you will be prompted to enter the:
  1. Adoption Agency's Name (or how the pet was adopted) in the New Pet Redemption Form
  2. Additional Notes field for extra details on the adoption circumstances

9. What other information is required from the pet owner for the Adoption Bundle redemption?

  1. Adoption Date – If the pet was adopted today, Astro automatically records today's date. If the adoption was earlier, it can be noted in Additional Notes. More info here.
  2. Pet Name – Option to save it to the Pet Owner account. Pet Owners can then edit their pet's info via the Mobile App if they end up renaming their pet.
  3. Pet Owner Email Address – Required for brands with a Bounce Back Coupon (sent automatically after redemption). The Adoption Reward program will state in its description whether the customer should expect a Bounce Back Coupon. 
    1. 🛍️ Bounce Back Coupons can only be redeemed at your store, encouraging repeat visits and customer loyalty. More info here.
Invite all 'Sharing The Love' Adoptees to download your Astro Mobile App so they don't miss when their Bounce Back Coupons become available.

The Adoption Date recorded in Additional Notes must be within 60-days of the Adoption Bundle redemption date. 
All forms require a pet name. Repeatedly omitting pet names from the Adoption Form will result in your account getting flagged for an audit. 

10. How do I Checkout a new Adoption Bundle for a customer?

Astro has added several SKUs to our database, such as:
  1. astrodog
  2. astrocat
  3. astrorabbit
Step 1: Confirm the customer's eligibility.
Step 2: Simply start typing the SKU while under a customer's Pet Owner account, and it will appear in the search bar.
Step 3: Hit Enter to trigger the New Pet Adoption Form
Step 4: Complete the Form. Fill in every field. You do not have to pick an item from each drop-down. 
Step 5: Let your customer know if they should expect any Bounce Back Coupons and invite them to scan the QR code to download your App.
Step 6: Click Checkout.
Step 7: Enter their email address. No email, no Bundle. 
Step 8: Check each item they are receiving for free today.
Step 9: Finish the transaction in Astro.

Remember, you are responsible for verifying whether this person has:
  1. Adopted a pet from a shelter or rescue. (Or if one of the currently permissible unique adoption scenarios applies.)
  2. Adopted that pet less than 60-days ago.
    1. We recommend that you require people to show you their adoption paperwork since you will be responsible for covering the cost of the Bundle if this customer's transaction proves to be fraudulent. Make a copy of their paperwork so you can file it away. Or take a picture of their paperwork. Or record any Adoption Numbers or Identifiers from their paperwork on the Additional Notes section of the Form. 

Bounce Back Coupon FAQs

Pet Owners can preview and be alerted to any pending coupons they qualify for on the Astro Mobile App.

1. What are Bounce Back Coupons?

These coupons are sent to your newly adopted pet owners after they redeem a New Pet Adoption Bundle at your store. They are designed to encourage these customers to return to your store to purchase the same brand items that they chose to redeem in their Adoption Bundle. When they return they will redeem a coupon for $off a specific qualifying item, and in some cases they will get a punch on a Frequent Buyer Card. This platform is designed to create new loyal customers for you and the brands you choose to carry. 

2. If there a Bounce Back Coupon for every Brand?

Nope. If there is a Bounce Back Coupon you will see mention of in in the Program Information that you see when you enroll in it, and it will say so on the Adoption Program Card under Checkout while you are redeeming it for a customer. The Terms & Conditions on all Adoption Programs will mention the possibility of a Bounce Back Coupon being added, but doesn't necessarily mean there is one associated with the program at that time. 

3. How do I know the details of each Bounce Back Coupon?

Under the Astro Offers menu there is a section called MFG Sponsored Coupons. Here you will see the Coupons listed and exactly the items that are included in each one. You will also be able to see whether a coupon is Active, Pending, or Redeemed by the specific customers they were sent to.

4. When are these Coupons sent to the customer?

Each Coupon will be a little different, but generally speaking, they will be sent to the qualifying customer 10-days after the customer redeemed their Adoption Bundle for that brand. Check the details under MFG Sponsored Coupons (located under the Astro Offers menu) for more details. 

5. How are the Coupons sent to the customer?

Astro automatically sends the Coupon via email. The email is just to alert the customer to the existence of the coupon and to encourage them to return to your store in a timely fashion (within 30-days). As soon as the email alert is sent to the customer their customer-specific Coupon will become Active and will appear on their Pet Owner checkout screen as Pending. 

6. How do I redeem the Coupon for the customer?

It's as simple as looking up their Pet Owner account in Astro. There you will see their Pending Coupon(s). To redeem them all you need to do is scan an item that qualifies for the Coupon onto their account and the Pending Coupon that matches that item will become redeemable. More details here.

7. Are these Coupons available anywhere the brand is available?

No way! These Coupons are ONLY available at your location. They are specific to both the Customer and your Store. The email that will be sent to the customer will clearly state that the Coupon can only be redeemed at your store. This platform is first and foremost all about building loyalty at your store.

8. Can I Opt-Out of Bounce Back Coupons, or a specific Bounce Back Coupon?

Nope. If a Bounce Back Coupon is part of a Brand's Adoption Program then you cannot opt-out. When you enroll in an Adoption Program you are choosing to enroll in both the Adoption Program and the Bounce Back Coupon associated with it. The most important piece of this platform is that is encourages the customer to return to your store- rather than purchase the same item they just redeemed for Free from you, from a large online retailer (rhymes with Pooey). That wouldn't be cool. 
These Coupons will include items that you carry at your store, so your customer will have options to choose from when they return. 

10. How do I receive credit for Bounce Back Coupons?

Coupon redemptions are automatically sent to the distributor that you selected when you enrolled in that Brand's Adoption Program. Like any program on Astro, you can change your chosen distributor by locating the specific program under Astro Offers - Enrolled Adoption Programs - and clicking the name of the current distributor with whom the program is enrolled. 
Most, if not all of,  Bounce Back Coupons are Rebate Programs, meaning they reward $off. So those Redemption Reports will populate under Distributor Rebate Batches located under your Reports menu. From here they are accessible to your distributor for crediting.