This report will show you the status of your customer returns that were submitted to your distributor. We will go over what each section of the report means.
As an Admin user, go to the Reports menu.
Select Distributor Customer Returns Credit Status.
Once you submit a return from the Customer Returns page, that item information will show under the Uncredited section of this report. This means the return is awaiting to be processed by your distributor(s).
The moment your distributors mark a batch as Fulfilled (aka Credited) it will appear under the Credited Free Goods section. Now you will know to expect your credit memo. Your distributor will send you this memo in the same manner they did before you started using Astro.

If you click on the Distributor name you can see the batch information. You can use this to compare to the credit memo from your distirbutor. If you click on the Batch Description link, you'll see the item information as well. To Reconcile the batch, select the Reconcile button next to Batch.

Once you are satisfied that your credit memo matches the batch report and your credit was issued properly, you can click the red Mark Reconciled.

After you mark a batch report as reconciled it will move over to Reconciled Returns. Your batch reports will be stored here indefinitely just in case you need to reference them again, export a spreadsheet or generate a PDF for your records. The batches will be organized according to month fulfilled and a drop-down menu is provided as a filter to help you keep things organized.

If a distributor denies the return it will show in the Declined section of this report. This section will show you detailed information about the declined return.

There may be a few different reason's a return was declined.
Incorrect Account Number:
If your distributor account number is incorrect, you can click on the number under the Fulfillment column to update it. Then you can select the Resubmit button.
Incorrect Address:
If your store's address needs to be updated, you can go to the Actions menu and select Account Management to edit your location information. Then you can select Resubmit in the Declined section.
Incorrect Item / No Purchase History:
If the item that is being returned was not purchased from the distributor it was submitted to, it may be declined for No Purchase History. You can click on the distributor's name under the Fulfillment column to change the distributor for re-submission.

If you have any questions about the denied return, please contact your distributor for more information.
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