Customer List | Accessing Customer Accounts - Look Up / Edit / Delete / Export

Customer List | Accessing Customer Accounts - Look Up / Edit / Delete / Export

Your customer list is located under the Customers menu at the top of your Astro homepage. 

You will now see your complete customer list. 

If you have multiple locations the customer list will look a little different depending on which location you are viewing the list from. Your customers can shop at every one of your locations without penalty, and you do share one master customer list between all stores, but each store's Pet Owner list is only going to show customers who you have checked out at that particular store. 

If you need to export your customer list into an excel document you can do so by clicking the Export button. You can also export Pet Information by select the Export Pets option.

There is a search field at the top of the list where you can type in a customer's First Name, Last Name, Phone or Email and the list will filter down depending on the specificity of the info you are entering into the field. For instance, if you type Will all customers with Will or William as a first name will appear, as well as any customers with Williams as the last name. 

You can also scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Next >> to go through the list alphabetically. 

There is a Sort By drop-down that will allow you to sort your list either by the most recently added or the least recently added. Reselecting the "Sort By" option will return the list to A-Z order.

If you need to email a customer directly you can do so by clicking on their email address.  This will open Outlook or another external email server depending on your computer's software. This is only if you need to reach one customer directly, it's not the same thing as our mass email feature.

How to View Customer History, Edit Customer Accounts, and Delete Customers

Search for the customer you are looking for using the search field. Click on the customer's name once you find them.

The contents of the Customer Information Page will vary depending on whether or not you have our Marketing Suite enabled. If you have the Marketing Suite enabled your customer's page will include our marketing icons so you know how they have opted in to your methods of communication.
with Marketing Suite enabled

Here is what your Customer Information Pages will look like without the Marketing Suite enabled:
without Marketing Suite enabled

From here you can access their Checkout screen, their Customer History, Edit their info, Export their purchases, or Delete their account. 

If you click on Customer History it will take you to a screen where you can view all of the customer's open and redeemed cards.

Customer History

You will not be able to make any changes to the customer's loyalty programs from this view. You will need to look up the customer under Checkout to make any adjustments to their program cards or points. 

Clicking on Edit Customer will bring up a pop-up where you can add or edit the customer's information and add their pet's information.  

From here you can also send the customer the Verification Email so they can download the mobile app and join your mailing list.

And finally, if you click Delete Account that customer and all of their program cards will be removed from your account. There will be a pop-up that appears before the account is removed asking you to confirm that you would like to do this. This is to prevent accounts from being accidentally deleted. 

If you find duplicate customer accounts that each contain their own program cards and you want to combine those accounts along with their purchases under one account you can do this using the Customer Roll Up Addon. You can also use this feature to combine two different customer accounts into one, which is very useful for couples. 

Restoring a Deleted Account

Deleted Accounts can be located and re-opened by going to your Customers menu and checking the box that says Include Deleted Customers.

Customers that have been deleted previously will now appear on your list. Below their name you will see the word "Deleted" in red. You can either scroll to find who you were looking for, or use the "Enter Search Terms" field to find them. 

Once you have found the customer you were looking for click on their name. This will open up their Customer Information Page so you can select Re-instate Customer

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