Checkout & Redeem Frequent Buyer | Customer Side | eTail Pet ECOMMERCE

Checkout & Redeem Frequent Buyer | Customer Side | eTail Pet ECOMMERCE

Keep in mind that this demo account may look different compared to your ecommerce website.

Make sure you are enrolled in the Frequent Buyer programs on Astro. Here is an article on enrolling: How to Enroll in Frequent Buyer Programs on Astro

Checkout Process for Customers:

1.) The customer can search via the search bar, by Brands, or use the menu options to locate the item they want. 

2.) When the customer locates the item they wish to purchase, they should see a Loyalty Rewards button if there is a Frequent Buyer program that you are enrolled in on Astro. 

3.) They can view their Cart and then Proceed to Checkout. 

4.) They will need to go through the different sections to enter in their payment information. 

5.) Then they can select "Complete Checkout" to finalize the transaction.

How the Customer Redeems Frequent Buyer Card:

1.) The customer can search via the search bar, by Brands, or use the menu options to locate the item they want. 

2.) When the customer adds their item to the cart, they will need to go through the different sections in checkout to complete the transaction. 

3.) If they are due for a free item they should see a Redeem Now button under Loyalty Rewards.

4.) There should be a green notification if the redemption was successful and the discount applied to the item automatically. 
If the customer is having an issue redeeming, it is possible they have an item that does not qualify for redemption. 

5.) Then they should get a confirmation once the order has been placed.