How To Send A Quick OFFER Campaign | Marketing Suite

How To Send A Quick OFFER Campaign | Marketing Suite

How To Create An Quick Offer Campaign:

Quick Campaigns were designed to help you get the word out quickly regarding a specific Offer you are running at your store. They can be paired with a custom Recipient List so the details of a particular Offer are sent to your customers who are most likely to return to redeem it. 

For example, if you are running an Offer for Primal Raw Food & Goat's Milk you could send the details of that Offer directly to your customers who have purchased any Primal product at your store - or you can get even more specific and contact only those who have purchased their raw food. 

You are able to send Quick Campaigns to all of your customers, but generally speaking, if you want to alert all of your customers to your Offers it is best to use a Multi-Media Template Campaign since these Templates contain the means to showcase multiple Offers at a time and are best suited for sharing to your Social Media if you so choose.

Recent Update - 
The Single Promo/Offer Element used in Quick Campaigns  will now show the Offer Image above the Description, rather than beside the description (see image of the Campaign Preview below).

Astro made these changes so your campaign will look good when viewed on phone screens (see example of iPhone view below.) 

How to Draft and Send a Quick Offer Campaign

1. Select Marketing on the top of your Astro page. 

2. Select My Astro Offers

3. This will show you the Offers you are currently enrolled in. Click Quick Campaign for the Offer you would like to let your customers know about. 

4. Select your Recipient List. It will default to 'All Pet Owners.' If you are a Multi-location account you can select to send to the customers at All Locations or just customers at a particular location. 
If you want to create a targeted list of customers, you can select 'Open List Generator.'  Check out this article:  
Next you will need to select the Communication type. You can select one or up to all 4 options, just click the checkbox of the type you would like to use.

If also checking Post to Facebook please refer to some special instructions located at the end of this article.

Depending on which communication option you choose a corresponding Subject text box will appear underneath. 

If everything looks correct, click "Continue to Step 2- Template Section"

5. A pop-up window will appear to confirm that the subjects are correct depending on what communication type you picked previously. 

6. You will be taken to the Campaign Setup Step 2 page. This will show you an overview of your message. You can see the preview of the message on the right. You can send a preview to an email by selecting the Send Preview button. If everything looks correct, click Save and Queue For Sending button.

7. Another pop-window will appear confirming how many of each communication type(that you had selected previously) will be sent. If you are ready, click the Send button. You can also Save as a Draft and come back to this at a later date. Or go cancel and go Back to Step 2 and make any changes before sending. 


8. Once sent, you will be taken back to the Campaign page. Here you will see the Offer campaign you just sent at the top. 

Campaign Subject- This is subject of the message that you created.
Recipients- Total number of customers the message was sent to.
Impressions- You will be able to see how many customers viewed the message, unsubscribed, and redeemed the offer.
Actions- You can View the message, Clone campaign, or Archive the campaign. 
Share to Facebook- You can also share the campaign to your Facebook page if it is connected to your Marketing Suite

Share to Facebook

When you share a campaign to Facebook you are actually sharing a URL Link to your Campaign Template. Facebook will allow you to design how you want that URL link to be presented on your timeline. If using "Post to Facebook" from Campaign Set Up Step 1, or the "Share to Facebook" button below the sent Campaign, you will be able to choose an image to serve as a clickable link on your post. 

Facebook can be funny when it comes to Sharing a Template Campaign in this way. Unlike when you post an image directly to Facebook via the Image Library, the dimensions of your selected image will come into play. In short, square images and wide skinny images will not work, you will need a 1200x628 pixel image or one sized very similarly in order to create a post where the image is not cropped. 

So how should you go about this? Here are some options that we have found to be the most straightforward. Option ONE shows how to create a simple social media post, and Option TWO shows how to edit your Quick Campaign Template to add a shareable image. 

Option ONE: Use the Image Library to Post the Offer to your Social Media

This is by far the simplest option if your only intention is to share a single Offer to your Facebook or Instagram timelines.
  1. Click on the Image Library icon from your Marketing Suite Dashboard. 
  2. Astro will take you directly to the Offers section of Brand Media. 
  3. From here you can use the drop-down menus above to narrow your search (select Enrolled Offers from the 3rd drop-down, or the Brand Name from the 4th drop-down).
  4. Once you have located your Offer Image click on the Social Media Icon above it.
    1. Choose Facebook if you want to be able to add your Campaign URL to your post (which I will explain how to do below). You can also type out your own description & hashtags before posting.
    2. Choose Instagram if you just want to share the image along with your own written description & hashtags.
How to Add the Campaign URL to your Facebook Post
  1. Below all sent Campaigns (under Campaigns > Template Campaigns) there is a blue button that says "Share to Facebook."
  2. Click on that button. It will give you the option to select an Image and enter a Subject line -- you don't have to do this part since all you are grabbing in the URL rather than posting.
  3. Click the button that says Save Facebook Setup.
  4. Click "Copy URL for Manual Posting" - this will copy the URL shown below to your clipboard so you can copy it to the body of your post.
  5. Copy the URL to either the body of an existing Facebook post by editing it in Facebook, or you can add it to the text field provided in Astro before posting. 

Option TWO: Add a Properly Sized Image to Your Template Before Sending Your Campaign

From Campaign Setup Step 2 - click the button that says "Edit Selected Template" - this will take you to the Template Editor. 

On the right side you will see a list of available Elements. Double click on the Single Image Element.
Single Image Element
Scroll down and you will see the new element at the bottom of your Template. If you want, you can click on it and while holding down your cursor, drag it to anywhere you want on the Template. I decided to drag the Element between the My Logo Element and the Single Offer Element.

Now that I have my Image Element placed I am clicking on the grey gear icon at the top right of the Element in order to adjust the Alignment to Centered (optional). Click Save.

Now click on the blank Image Element in order to access the Image Library. You are now looking for an image that is sized to 1200x628 to 1200x630 pixels (or something close to this, i.e. and thicker horizontal rectangle).

TIP: If you want to make your own Image and you use Canva - use a Template that is sized for "Facebook Ad".  Then download your image and upload it to your My Media section of the Image Library.

Using the "Optimized for Social Media" toggle should help you locate an image that fits these dimensions faster. Astro will also add some "Checkout our Offers!" - type images to Astro Media > Astro Social Media > Facebook. This folder/filter combination will always show you images that will work for this method of sharing to Facebook.

Click on the Image to add it to the Element. Then click Save to return to the Template.

TIP: At this point you might as well add your Flyer Element to your Template. Double click on the Flyer Element to add it to the bottom of the Template, the button preview should say "Get Offers". This button, when clicked, will take your customers to your My Astro Webpage.

Now you can click the green Save & Add to Campaign button to return to Campaign Setup Step 2. From here you can click Save & Queue for Sending

Then, from your Post to Facebook pop-up select the 1200x628px image that you just added to your template and enter a Subject. Then click Save Facebook Post Setup.

Now you can click the Share button and finalize the details of your post!

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