Astro Program Exports & Custom Program Exports
Astro Program Exports
Astro Program Exports are located under the Reports menu on your Astro homepage. These reports can be exported daily so you can compare the transactions recorded on Astro with those entered into your POS system. They can also be exported monthly so you can see how many redemptions occurred on a monthly basis. You can export for any date range that you choose.
There are three report options for Frequent Buyer Programs and Offers, and if you also have
Custom Programs there are three additional report options for those.
These reports contain information such as Customer Email and Customer Address. This information is NOT included in the reports that Astro sends to your distributors. Distributor reports only contain the Customer's Name. Some manufacturers require an Email Address or a Mailing Address at the time of redemption. You are the caretaker of this information. The manufacturers will need to request this collected information from you directly in order to obtain it. Astro merely collects this customer data for you just in case it is ever requested.
Frequent Buyer and Offer Transactions
This is a good report to use if you want to compare daily or weekly Astro transactions with the transactions in your POS. You can export
All transactions within a specific date range, or you can choose to only export transactions pertaining to a specific
Manufacturer. Enter a Start Date and an End Date in the fields provided. If you want to export a report for one day enter the same date into both fields. Then select Export and a .xls file called "transaction_export" will be created.
The file will contain
Batch Date (transaction date) |
Customer ID (if you have that enabled) |
Customer Name |
Customer Email |
Customer Address |
City |
State |
Zip |
Customer Created (date they were added to Astro) |
Manufacturer Name |
Item Code (UPC) |
Item Description |
Quantity | This will be followed by any additional or Custom Fields that you are tracking like Location (if you have more than 1 store)
Cost, MSRP, or Cashier Initials to name a few.
Frequent Buyer and Offer Redemptions
This export is great if you want to create monthly redemption reports. You can export All redemptions within a specific date range, or you can choose to only export redemptions according to a specific Manufacturer or Distributor. Make sure to enter a Start and an End Date into the fields provided and select Export. A .xls file will be created called "redemption_export".
The file will contain Distributor Name | Retailer Name | Retailer Address | Retailer City | Retailer State | Retailer Zip | Customer ID | Customer Name | Customer Address | Customer City | Customer State | Customer Zip | UPC | Description | Date | Quantity - This will be followed by any additional or Custom Fields that you are tracking.
Frequent Buyer and Offer Redemptions with Transactions
This export includes items redeemed within a certain time period and the transactions that lead up to that particular redemption. It does not include transactions from unredeemed cards. You can export All redemptions within a specific date range, or you can choose to only export redemptions according to a specific Manufacturer or Distributor. Make sure to enter a Start and an End Date into the fields provided and select Export. A .xls file will be created called "redemption_export".
This file will contain Distributor Name | Retailer Name | Retailer Address | Retailer City | Retailer State | Retailer Zip | Customer Name | Customer Email | Customer Created | Customer Address | Customer City | Customer State | Customer Zip | UPC | Item Description | Date |
Quantity - This will be followed by any additional or Custom Fields that you are tracking.
The transactions will show a (1) under Quantity while redemptions will show a (-1). They will all be grouped together.
Custom Program Exports
If you have Custom Programs you will have Custom Program Exports available to you. They are located under the Reports menu.
Custom Program Transactions
These exports will contain all custom program transactions within a chosen time frame. They can be used to compare your POS system with Astro or to track the success of your program. Enter the date range into the fields provided and select Export. A .xls file will be created called "transaction_export". The file will contain Batch Date (date of the transaction) | Item Code | Item Description | Quantity | Location (if you have more than one) | Custom Fields (ex. Cashier Initials)
Custom Program Redemptions
These exports contain all custom program redemptions within a chosen time frame. They can be used to compare your POS system with Astro or to track the success of your program. Enter the date range into the fields provided and select Export. A .xls file will be created called "redemption_export". The file will contain Retailer Name | Retailer Address | Retailer City | Retailer State | Retailer Zip | Customer Name | Customer Address | Customer City | Customer State | Customer Zip | UPC | Description | Date | Quantity
Customer Program Redemptions with Transactions
This export includes custom program items redeemed within a certain time period and the transactions that lead up to that particular redemption. It does not include transactions from unredeemed cards. Enter the date range in the fields provided and select Export. A .xls file will be created called "redemption_export". The file will contain Retailer Name | Retailer Address | Retailer City | Retailer State | Retailer Zip | Customer Name | Customer Address | Customer City | Customer State | Customer Zip | UPC | Description | Date | Quantity. Transactions will have a quantity of (1) while redemptions will have a quantity of (-1).