What are Astro Offers?
Astro Offers are set promotions created for you, the retailer, to give amazing and exclusive deals to your customers without having to deal with the hassle of paper coupons and clearing houses. Astro works with your favorite brand manufacturers daily to create exclusive deals for your customers every month. These Offers are only for Astro users and are not available to big box, e commerce, or non Astro retailers. This exclusivity allows you to drive store loyalty and ensures customers continue to frequent your business.
Having experience in the pet industry, we and the MFG try to create deals with the retailer and their customer in mind. We want to give you promotions to help cross promote items in your store so your customer is encouraged to buy 2 things instead of one. We want to create exclusive dollars off deals for your customers who may want to try a premium food or pet lifestyle product for the first time that they may not have otherwise.
There are new Offers published every month. We publish Offers for the following month at least 2-weeks before the next month's Offers go live. This gives you time to prepare your inventory and your displays. Most Offers last for a full month, some will last more than a month, while others are only available for a short period of time - these short-term Offers are called Flash Sales. Each Offer will have a date range showing when it will be available for your customers to participate in (see image below).
There are two main types of Astro Offers - Free Good Offers and Rebate Offers.
Free Good Offers
These Offers reward your customer a free good after they meet the purchase requirement of the Offer. BOGO Offers, Buy 2 Get 1 Free, Buy 3 Get 1 Free all fall under the Free Good Offers category. When your cashier redeems one of these Offers in Astro, the Free Good the customer is rewarded will be added to a redemption report under your
Distributor Free Goods Credit Status Report.
Rebate Offers
These Offers reward your customer dollars off an item they are purchasing. The dollars off they are awarded is meant to be applied to a specific item included in the Offer they are redeeming. (The Offers shown in the image above are Rebate Offers). Once a Rebate Offer has been redeemed in Astro, the Rebate Reward will be compiled under a report in
Distributor Rebate Credit Batches. Since you have given your customer a predetermined, set discount, on their sale these reports will be reported to your distributor as dollars given away and will be credited as such.
What does it Cost?
Astro Offers are included if you are subscribed to Astro Frequent Buyer. Your account must be Unrestricted, and either a Standard Astro Account or a POS Report Astro Account.
Restricted Accounts are accounts that have limited access to Frequent Buyer Programs and are only able to participate in one brand manufacturer's programs. These accounts do not have access to Astro Offers since Offers promote brands that are in most cases different than the one brand they are restricted to. If the brand they are restricted to releases an Offer they would be able to participate in that one Offer.
A Standard Astro Account is what most of our retailers have. These accounts have at least full access to all Frequent Buyer Programs, and Astro is used at the register during checkout to track your customers' progress. Then all redemptions are reported to your distributor upon cards being redeemed during checkout. These accounts have access to Astro Offers for free.
POS Report Astro Account is what retailers use if they already have an approved frequent buyer tracking program installed on their POS. These retailers do not use Astro to track their customers' frequent buyer progress, instead their POS system does it for them. Then once a month they export their POS Redemption Reports and email them to
posreports@astroloyalty.com so we can upload the redemptions to their Astro Account so they can report via Astro to their distributors. These accounts have access to Astro Offers for free.
How do I Sign Up for an Astro Offer?
Click on the Offers Tab on your header menu, click Available Asto Offers, scroll through all the Offers available for you to enroll in. Make sure you take note of the dates they will be available to run. When you find some you like click on the blue title and then click the Enroll button and select your distributor. It is that easy. Astro Offers are directly linked
with your distributors for tracking and automated credits- it works just like
our Frequent Buyer Management. No papers, no reporting, no hassle.
We provide you with several platforms to help you get the word out about your Offers to your customer base.
NEW Astro Marketing Suite
We now have a NEW extensive
Astro Marketing Suite that is available for you to test drive right now! The Marketing Suite includes multi-media
Campaigns- so you can send your customers promotional materials about your Offers via Email, Push Notifications on our Free Mobile App, and SMS Text - all at the same time! If you click on the Astro Marketing Suite tab on your header menu you can sign up for our 15-Day Free Trial right now. No commitments.
Basic Included Marketing Suite
My Astro Webpage. This is a page that you can embed on your own website or social media page that will show your customers all the programs you are currently enrolled in (Frequent Buyer, Custom Programs, Offers). It also include links to download the Free Mobile App, and shows a google map to help your customers find your store.
The Mobile App is both a part of the Basic Marketing Suite and the professional Astro Marketing Suite. Until 2020 you will be able to send
Push Notifications to your customers via the Free Mobile App, afterwards you will need a subscription to the Astro Marketing Suite to continue to send Push Campaigns. If you do not have the Astro Marketing Suite your customers can still use the App to follow along with their purchase progress and view the Offers that are available at your store.