Actions Menu | Application Preferences | Adding Custom Fields to Transaction & Redemption Reports

Actions Menu | Application Preferences | Adding Custom Fields to Transaction & Redemption Reports

How to Add Custom Fields to Astro Transactions and Redemptions

You can add additional fields to your Checkout process. They can collect any kind of information that you like. Most retailers use Custom Fields to collect their employees' initials or ID# so they know who performed each transaction and redemption in Astro. These Custom Fields will show up on your Astro Program Exports in their own column so you can easily export reports to monitor the Astro activity at your store. 

Login to your Astro account as an Admin

Only Admin Users can create, edit and remove these fields. 

Go to your Actions menu and select "Application Preferences"

Add your Custom Fields

Currently under Application Preferences you have a way to add two Custom Required Fields and you can disable your Verification Email & Mass Email. 

There is no longer a need to disable the Verification & Mass Email since the verification/welcome email is no longer something that is automatically sent when a new customer is added to Astro. Now you have full control over whether or not you send the Welcome Email to each customer as they are added to your account. 

You can either add one Custom Field to all Transactions, or one to all Redemptions, or one field for each. These fields will be required for the cashier to fill in and they will not be able to proceed until they enter something in that field. 

The Transaction Field will pop-up after the cashier clicks Finished, and they will not be able to return to the Customer Lookup screen to ring up the next customer until they enter something into that field. 

The Redemption Field will appear on the Redemption Pop-up and the redemption will not be able to be completed until something is entered into that field. 

Check the Box Next to the Field You Wish to Add

This will generate a red button that will allow you to create your new checkout field. 

Record What Information You Would Like to Collect in the Text Field Provided

This is what the cashier will see so make sure you clearly state what you would like them to record in the field.

If you want this information to also appear on your Retailer Free Goods Credit Batches Reports check the box next to Include in Self Fulfillment Report.

Then Save Changes.

Now your Custom Field is saved and active. 

If you need to edit the name of your Custom Field click the square icon to the left of the garbage bin icon. To delete the Custom Field click the garbage bin icon. 

Your Transaction Field and Redemption Field can collect the same information or they can collect different pieces of information. 

At this time you can only create one Custom Field per Transaction and one per Redemption. 

You can collect any snippet of information that you like in a Custom Field during a transaction or redemption. It doesn't just have to be for employee tracking. 

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